thanks a lot for your very interesting input. It is the first one which is totally different from the other.
The symbol the the eyeglasses represents the agent. What about the web in the symbol? Do you have more ideas to represent also the web? Maybe give a structure to the globe or in the background? I don't know right now. Or maybe a combination with the letter n? And please try also darker blue colors for the globe. The font is nice. If you have let me see more fonts and also in bluecolors and more noble/shiny/brilliant.
thanks a lot. Would you try for me in #101 the following:
- change green to brilliant gray/silver/chromatic in the globe and use the color also for the namepart 'agentin' - change font to the font of #89 and try normal or bold (I prefer normal but don't know if this is suitable, maybe the symbol is too big)
#110: do you have more structures, maybe more fine.