NetworkerOnWheelsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / NetworkerOnWheels

NetworkerOnWheels has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 127 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Making Connections-Making Money-Changing Lives
What We Do
NETWORKING Like Minded People, Businesses And Non-Profit Organizations Together For A Brighter Tomorrow, Abled & disAbled ALIKE. Slogan is Not Really Needed. I am just starting this small community business, I am an Advocate for people with disAbilities and work with many non-profits and Community Events while disabled myself. Together We Can Change The World One Connection at a Time. Thank You.
Color Preferences
I am Pretty Open to Color But So Far Like the Way Blue, Orange And Black Look with some Green. But Open
Our Ideas & Additional Information I Just created this a few months ago with no computer knowledge, This is my Self made web page But my friend who creates web pages is redoing it with a different program builder. Some of the Content will Transfer to new Pages. Thanks Again for Your Help with the Logo Design.


Order by
Entry Number















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Hello Designers: Thank You Very Much for all your Hard Work Thus Far, I Really Appreciate it. I Ranked your Entries to help you understand what I am looking for I will give you more feedback. I am Looking for a LOGO that I Can use with or without My Business Name NetworkerOnWheels. I Am OPEN to Your CREATIVE Take On my Business Name to come up with something AWESOME. Because from what I see on other Contest Pages here on logotournament You Are Some of the TOP LOGO DESIGNERS And I Am Happy to have your Help in Designing My New Logo. I will Check Back as often as I can and help with feedback as much as possible as this is my first time doing this. Thank You Once Again. God Bless. Truly Jerry
10 years ago
Hello Designers: Ok well I maybe out of line or being Too Honest But There is ONLY One LOGO That Really Draws my Eye to it & My Interest. That one is #6 By mplusc. NOW with Saying that I also have to say that Non of them Really GRAB ME or Make me Sit Back and GO WOW, Thats My New LOGO. I have to say I am a Bit Disappointed in the Service Because it came HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as The BEST, I saw some of the Awesome Logo Designs that are possible from those designers. PLEASE Think OUTSIDE the BOX, All The Logo Designs are starting to look very similar. Thank You Jerry
10 years ago
Hello Designers: Iam Really getting FRUSTRATED as this is A lot of money being put up for this Logo Contest from Me as someone on limited income looking to start a small business, I even started it out by Offering OVER My Max Budget of $400 & going to $575. dollars as logo tournament let me know this would give me the best of the best of Logo Designers for my money who design logos on logo BUT I am still NOT REALLY IMPRESSED with the Current Logo Designs And Thinking That I Might Go Without a LOGO Because NO One is Thinking Outside The BOX & Giving Me LOGO DISGNS That Stand Out And can be a New Networking Logo that Is Recognized world wide. Remember This might be my first time here But I network with Many Businesses & Non-Profits who NEED LOGO'S Created or them or Need Better Replacement LOGO'S And I will be sure to send them to this site if I am happy with My Logo Contest Outcome. My Saying Thinking "OUTSIDE THE BOX" Does Not Mean I am saying I want a BOX, It Means "STOP Thinking Like Everyone Else And Start THINKING ABOUT ""INNOVATIVE""" LOGO DESIGNS. Just Over ONE DAY Left On This Contest And I REALLY WANT TO WORK WITH SOMEONE CREATIVE... Thank You And I HOPE this Helps. God Bless. Truly Jerry
10 years ago
THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX: (also thinking out of the box or thinking beyond the box) is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. This Phrase often refers to Novel or CREATIVE FORWARD THINKING Or THINKERS.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry to hear about your frustration. Can you give several examples of logos that you find "innovative" and "out of the box"?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
this 'out of the box' design you speak of is very subjective and for lack of a better description.. on one hand you'd like a networking style logo which is stereotypical.. the other hand you want something creative or AWESOME to make YOU go WOW!! So... in saying that.. what type of imagery in the context of networking, makes you or anyone think WOW!!!?? I think that is the question we need to ask here..
10 years ago
This can help with ideas, and I'd like to see a creative/subtle incorporation of the handicap symbol.

See the pic:
10 years ago
Some logo's that really impress me are ones like the Apple one, Monster energy drink, Firefox, Nike, Twitter, Atlas Network is one of my Favorites So that is what I meant. I apologize for the confusion or my not conveying my thoughts. Here is another link to see what I am talking about. Thank YouSome logo's that really impress me are ones like the Apple one, Monster energy drink, Firefox, Nike, Twitter, Atlas Network is one of my Favorites So that is what I meant. I apologize for the confusion or my not conveying my thoughts. Here is another link to see what I am talking about. Thank You.
10 years ago
I put up a picture with my name that grabs my attention as well that could help in creating a really awesome looking logo. My Business is linked with one that is spreading into many other countries so the Globe could be used in an effective way too. This is my first time on a site like this so Iam trying my hardest to convey what Iam looking for in a logo. Thank you again.
10 years ago
Thank you designers for all your hard work. 15 hours left to the logo contest, I have a few I like but looking to fall in love with my new logo design. So with 15 hours left please don't stop sending in your ideas. I really do want to work with one of you. Thanks Again.
10 years ago
Congratulations to the two Top designers that made my final. mplusc and frame thank you for all your hard work. They are two very different logo designs and thats making this hard. I am asking friends for input but they are not sure either. *So I would like to ask you both, Can you think of other ways of using your current designs in a more impactful way? that makes it more striking to those who see it. Thank you very much. 14hrs left and I am Jazzed that we will have an Awesome Networking Business Logo. Truly Jerry
10 years ago
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