Well, this new #116 is pretty nice!! Please change to the design colors shown here and in #111 and repost. Also, please drop in the tagline "Networking & Business Events" under the logo. I am not really interested in #115. Thanks!
#141 is nice. Can you show me a version with the tagline centered under the NetMixer.com? Also, can you show me another one with the abstract design brought down slightly? THANKS!
Hi ya. So, I have a small request. Can you send me the design #143 with the NetMixer and Tagline in the font of #111 or #137? I also like the little people tightened up a bit like in # 143 vs #137. The rounded is not jiving with the rest of my site, but this logo is in my top 2 now. Please send tonight if possible - thanks! Dennis
Did you withdraw the #169? I never saw it. Can you please send over: #143 abstract mark with the font of #111 or #137? I would like to see it. Like I said, it is down to your logo and one other. Thanks!
#173 and #174 should be what you're looking for. I withdrew #169 because there was something strange with the font going on, then I reposted #170, #171, #172, and #175 with the more squared version of the mark.
If 173 and 174 aren't what you're looking for let me know. Thanks.