Hello Vidi, thanks a lot. Those concepts are interesting, I especially like the colors and the combination of typeface "stability" with a lighter, friendly hand drawn mark.
I prefer the typeface from the #39 on, rather than #38. Maybe it can be tried smoothed, with less hard edges.
The use of the NO letters emoticons alike is smart.
On #41, #42 it looks probably too "young", a ruffled cheeky face. We're addressing even men of 50 yo for their directional office shirts, to make an example.
Marks on #38 and #39 are a more interesting direction.
Shame is "no" has a negative meaning, by definition. I can't imagine a shirt with "no" embroidered on its pocket. Please don't feel bounded by the brand lettering, a pictorial or abstract graphical mark of fantasy might well apply.