Thanks for entering the contest and with some strong logos, too. I like the overall "feel" of #23, but prefer the stronger text of #24. Maybe you could create some variations combining those elements and maybe come up with a "NOG" visual rather than one based just on the "N". Thanks!
I really like what you've done with #42. I would like to see a variation with the byline a little bit larger, without the nose and smile below the glasses, maybe add a lower bridge to the glasses to create an "o" between the two lenses and tuck the logo closer to the text below. Thanks!
All revision is done... i make circle "O" betwen the "N" & "G" lense on #94, and make small lower bridge between the lenses too on #95. Thanks for your feedback sir.... any further request can be done.
Congrats on making the top 5! And, thanks for the revision. I like #95 the best of the two. Could you modify that one with a larger font size on the byline? Also maybe a version with a front-on view of the new glasses design. And maybe a variation with a slight tilt to the halo. Thanks!
Okay, just finished updating the ranking. Would like a couple small tweaks. Please update #95 with the larger byline from #100 and create versions of #95 and #100 with medium gray in place of blue on the "OF" text. Thanks again!