These are really interesting. I like the shadow in the box...We are thinking the neoteric should be capital and we kind of have our heart set in Didot font, although I wouldn't mind seeing Helvetica Ultra Light or Medium Extended. Also, the colors should be the taupe, warm gray, gold combination please. Thanks so much. In about 1 hour I will present to my partner. I like square, but he likes rechtangle! So perhaps the revised color and font in both square and rechtangle...thanks so much.
Wow, these are looking great! What are the Pantone colors - can they translate into cmyk for print and RGB for Internet? This is extremely important. Is there a color like 872C that translates?
136 is our favorite with the following changes please: 1) Can the emblem be moved up so that NEOTERIC and LUXURY are in the center 2) We like the color of type in 122 - is that 1C or white? 3) Luxury should be in same font - Didot and Color 4) When you change Luxury to didot, we might need some vertical spacing 5) Outdoor Collections should be moved down and let's try that in Didot as well
We are excited - please feel free to call or text my cell phone at 917 836 9749.
Fantastic...I am getting the CMYK/RGB Book delivered in about 1 hour (they sold me the pantone color one yesterday)
So, really love it, we are getting really close. We believe now the logo has been moved up we could make the Neoteric Luxury type larger and then bring the outdoor coll back up like you had it in 136. Maybe make the line the gold color?
Oh by the way, you are VERY talented with the 3 d aspect of lighting, so we were wondering if you could add the drama effect / halo/shadow or whatever you call it that drew our attention so much in your first black submissions? The black one looks like you are shining a spotlight - is wonderful.
Thanks so much. Yours is the classiest and cleanest logo we have seen. We can envision this logo still being timeless and classic in 10 years...And it exudes a quiet luxury.
I hope we can wrap this up...we are so excited. Everything in 155, just the following 2 things:
a) My partner would like to see the outdoor collections moved down to the bottom of the square, kind of like 141 to the inner line, but probably even further down. The spacing like 141. b) Instead of that direct shadow below the you see how you added that splash of light on the emblem that goes down, is there anyway to kind of play with the light on that area so it ties in...
Do we need to extend the contest for us to finish? You might be sleeping already. Please let me know...