Really nice effect on 211, the N is outlined in black ... wondering if you can think of a way to amp this up a bit, not sure if a color or more thickness or ... anyway I like the direction you are going with this one
Also like 209, not sure about the way the tails terminate, might be a bit too subtle kind of looks like pieces are missing vs. the continuation of the tail on the N
218 - That makes the N stand out more, couple of further thoughts
A. We don't really care for the connecting lines in the negative white space, interesting idea just feel it's too busy
B. We would still like to use an orbital Ellipse like you had in 204, making it look more 3d, adding to opposing (on the arc) small blocks of the two colors in use with some implied motion.
We moved the design up in ranking in because we think it has promise with these changes
218 - After review we like this one better than the blue sphere with gold N, but we do like the new orbit arc you just submitted
We would like to see the new orbit arc you did with 218, if you can modify it so there is a single 3d block at 10 oclock and 4 oclock with opposing colors and give them some orbit-centric motion I think it would look pretty great
Also we need to just eliminate the connecting lines between the pieces on 218 and if you can place this on a black background as well for a test (we think it works fine just getting down to the wire here)
Yes we do appreciate your efforts, responsiveness definitely plays into the final decision
I think we should concentrate on 227 as a basis unless you have a brain storm of some type for a better direction, here are some comments I am receiving from reviewers
1. We really like way the orange N comes out in 220, but both sphere's being blue is not as dynamic as having 2 different colors. Having and orange/blue sphere parts with an orange N would not probably work because it would merge with the similar color, not sure how to resolve this other than to let the designer try and come up with either an energetic 3 color scheme or use shadow or highlight or white space between the N and parts to resolve --- in other words not sure how to fix this but would like the designer to try
B. The blocks should probably be embedded in the arc-stream instead of riding on top so 1/2 is below and 1/2 is above, the motion should probably we a wake in the arc stream itself instead of off the blocks.
C. We are not sure it would work but would like to a mirror on the arc stream (orange on top, blue on bottom)
The boxes won't effect our decision, I like the ones in the current #1 slot better than newer version, but if you take the prize then they will need some minor tweaking regardless so you don't need to worry over it.
I would in general like to see a more rounded edges on the cubes and I am not sure of the current orientation of the cubes either but there is just something that feels a bit wrong about the current positioning.
Also as to the motion, I would really like to see this in the orbital arc (think of the wake a boat leaves behind it) but again this is a minor detail that can be tweaked if we accept the design, overall it's very nice.
The two top entries are in a dead heat, we are not going to change position because we have pretty much told the other designer same thing.
Couple of comments
A. The white negative space is still an issue for us, 234 takes care of that with the gold N fill color (it's nice enough that the white is looking more bland) but the color combo's just are not quire right for us, the blue seems to dark (probably because of the purple) and the purple is not popular, not sure what to do about this, maybe push it more towards a red-gold or something, up to you I guess
B. Comments above still apply
Again thanks for the work and appreciate your professional attitude about the multitude of changes
Like the twist effect, but I think that if you flip it (which mucks the light up) as in w-flip attachment on brief page I just uploaded it looks better
Also I think the star trails/points are to direct, if they looked like they were more embedded behind a transparency effect it would be more powerful
Not sure if there is any other way to make it look more n'ish without totally distorting the block id
here I tried to adress white space with a subtle gray sphere in back, I think it make the logo more 3d.. I agree for cubes, I will try to make it better... Thank you for great feedback and contest! You are the best so far!!!
New colors work well on 264, maybe just a tad light on the gold part, and a double tad on the blue part but it works much better overall than purple from two observers so far
Thanks for the update. Continues to look better in #276. I would try and play with ways to make an "N" a bit more obvious. not sure how you can best achieve that though.
On #264 we still really like this concept and would like to see some variation on the color (we think the current colors are a bit too dark to work on anything with a dark background.) Could you please try some color options and once we settle on colors we want to try it on a dark background also and also try adding back the block orbits from #263 if you can.
1. Use colors from 264 vs. the yellow (this assumes you lighten up on the blue in 264 just a tad) 2. Drop the arc (or at least add an entry without one) if we want to keep the arc I think it should follow the direction of the red-gold/yellow blocks vs. the blue ones. 3. Drop the font lower (just some space) and give it a drop shadow to make it pop a bit more ( we kind of like the similar effects of 232, 269, 271 etc)
(On all entries, people have been using the counter color, in this case red-gold for the periods)
Making it more N like - One way to make the N pop a little more is to make the blue cubes just a bit slimmer on the inside edge (see attachment Slim-N where we did it really BADLY and probably even a bit too much but it achieves the proper effect and very simply)
Can't think of anything else for the moment, I will check back in the AM good luck
Did you get a chance to try the color variations on #264 with/without the orbits. I know time is short now but would appreciate it if you could try some of them.