NDMCA FoundationLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / NDMCA Foundation
NDMCA Foundation has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 215 designs
from 15 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
The NDMCA Foundation is new organisation formed by the North Dakota Motor Carriers Association to provide educational scholarships to those affiliated with the trucking industry and to further the understanding and image of North Dakota's trucking industry.
Color Preferences
This logo will be used along side the North Dakota Motor Carriers Association's existing logo frequantly and we would like it to be complimentary. The exsiting logo color for the North Dakota Motor Carriers Association is #006892 but we are open to other complimentry colors.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We are looking for a great logo for the NDMCA Foundation that will be frequantly used along side the North Dakota Motor Carriers Association's existing logo (attached). The logo needs to be stand alone as well as one that can be integrated into various programs of the organization to promote a new brand.