Can you take #150 and make the swirl thinner like design #50 (the "B" looks close to a letter "D"). Also could we see #150 but with the swirl in the same direction as #127. What are your color suggestions when printing the logo on white? Thank you.
I made a changes for you, I made also a version in blue and grey #159, with the white background the combination work really good, but I can do different versions colors if you need,
We think for printing/imprinting purposes keeping to 2 or 3 solid colors is probably best. We like the blue and grey also, very nice. Our company represents both the "hot"(ovens, stoves etc...) and "cold"(refrigeration, ice machines etc...) side of kitchen replacement parts. So we are thinking about combinations of red or orange(for "hot) and blue(for "cold'). But we dont want it to look complicated and really like the clean sharp design you did of the #159 and #160. Thank you.
Thanks, Im glad you like it, I think this is a good directions, just different colors for a different communication. Let me know if you want more options,
We like #203 as well. Could you try this a couple of the other color combinations? Also could you show us #166 or #167 (both the same) in black and orange also? Thank you.
Thanks, I tried to change directions, to give more options, Im thinking that I want use the two words "NBK" and "PARTS" with the same importance, the new design has this concept,
Thank you for all your designs, you have given us many ideas. We are reviewing and continue to look at all your designs. Thank you for your efforts and nice work. We seem to like the design that has been in the 1st prank slot the best. We need to decide which color combination works best. Thank you.
Thank you. I have been without computer access the past few days. Thank you for submitting more. Watch for notes, we will share our thoughts. Thank you again.
We really like the design we selected in the beginning. #276(and many other versions of this), just not certain which color combo we prefer. You have given many choices and we like that and thank you for that! Thank you.
We prefer font of "NBK" as in design #278, we prefer font of "PARTS" in design #276. Can we see this together? Also can we see #166 and #224 with white as the background? Thank you very much!!
I give support at same people from two years, I met clients here, when the contest is over you can have the email from the designer and you can give your, but the are same important rules here, give assistance and support for variation colors and same times for other changes, This is valid for all the designers here, and I will .
Trying so hard to get the color combo we want, thank you for showing us all our requests. It is much appreciated. Can you show the blue color as in the blue in design #160? Also, the red as in #286? these two colors together. Design 289 and 290 appear more orange. ?? Thank you again!!!
Thank you. #286 is great. May we get your opinion? Do you think the PARTS font should be just a little "thicker" or is it a good balance with what you have. I would like to have no gradiant, it is hard to tell on my monitor if there is any. Also are these colors that you use, easy enough for me to match when printing, pantone colors? Thank you.
It is balanced with the line, but if you want I can try it more bold, just a bit. Yes no gradient is better, many times the color that you see on the monitor is not real, but Pantone colors will be perfect! I will do all the variations you need,