I whole heartedly believe that this is the best one.... bold and memorable and can be altered with many special print options (hotfoil, embossing , laser cut etc.)
In that case, can you make a new version this logo, which I have now moved to first place, with just the word Galapagos somewhere? That way we would use the logo with and without the Galapagos, depending on where it's going. thanks
I agree that the specific example looks bad. It was done quickly to give you an idea. See if there is a way to make it look elegant and professional, without ruining it, like you did with your previous attempt. If it doesn't look good, we'll just stick to a simpler version. Thanks
Hi. Could you try this from one of my earlier messages?
Also, check out this example of a logo that incorporates the tortoise of Galapagos in a unique way. We don't necessarily love the shape, but its obvious its a tortoise but at the same time its not the full animal which makes it more creative. https://we.tl/t-P01VXjKjZR
Hey... the https://we.tl/t-xYRC5Gy989. link does not work. But i have found the font Yellow Magician ...will take a stab at it. Now as for using a turtle on the logotype... im not sure it would work... id rather use the words Gallapagos imho. It will take away all its strong feel...
Also, check out this example of a logo that incorporates the tortoise of Galapagos in a unique way. We don't necessarily love the shape, but its obvious its a tortoise but at the same time its not the full animal which makes it more creative. https://we.tl/t-P01VXjKjZR
Hi Deux. Please check out these files from WeTransfer. https://we.tl/t-xYRC5Gy989. Based on your logo, our designer took a stab at the concept and came up with a variation using the font Yellow Magician which is also included on the files of the link above. I'd like you to please play around with this font, the concept and also perhaps with your other fonts used on your past logos (using the dots in between the letters, a rounder Q, etc). Finally, there is a logo we like that you can check out here: http://www.infopowerecuador.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Logo-mashpi_new_green_only_400x400.jpg. The logo itself is not impressive, but the fact that it incorporates an element of the destination (the leaf and the bird) in the logo, makes it attractive and a representation of the place. This we feel may be missing from the current logo (and our example too) where we don't have anything that relates it to Galapagos, like the tortoise for example. You'll find a tortoise icon on the example provided too, so you can see how to incorporate it. This is perhaps the most iconic of all the animals, and one that may be easier to use. looking forward to seeing some variations of your proposal.
A good morning and good week to you. Hope this is what you were referring to. Know that when you finalise the contest all variants of the logotype will be sent in various formats.
good morning. My apologies for the delay... stuck sick in bed. Don’t worry though, the color can be altered to anything you might require. Will have it for ya first thing when i get on my feet.
really like the concept of the name and the Q around it. Perhaps you could submit additional proposals with other fonts and other looks for the letter Q?
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Also, check out this example of a logo that incorporates the tortoise of Galapagos in a unique way. We don't necessarily love the shape, but its obvious its a tortoise but at the same time its not the full animal which makes it more creative. https://we.tl/t-P01VXjKjZR
maybe the period was extra