Entry #3 and #2: nice, just to let you know that the classroom is actually the garden itself and nothing to do with direct text book learning - if that helps. Good work though. Would love to see perhaps a tree represented or the planet somehow. Just an idea. Thanks
Entry #8 and #9 are good. Now we are getting somewhere. :-) I removed one of the logos that looked similar with another. Keep working with the tree idea as I feel trees are important but I'm not so sure about the design you have entered so far with the tree. Also, if you can experiment with some more colours (of Nature) just to see what we may come up with. I am particularly interested in Sacred Geometry as it describes the construction of Nature e.g. the Star of David is connected with living systems so I like the Star of David. Great work though.
Looking great! I love the new colours. What do you think of some gold colouring - not yellow, but gold - just to clarify. :-) Can we make the star of David more subtle perhaps so it is less overpowering of the design. Perhaps the earth a little bigger behind it and perhaps even a halo behind it as if to suggest the sun behind it all - the spheres may soften the hard lines of the star. Experiment with a few things if you think of anything radical although I still like both of the first two ranked designs so continue to play. This is awesome. Thanks a lot.
Entry #12 and #14 are looking awesome. I like both backgrounds at the moment; both have their uses. Can we try to make the lines of the star of David a little thinner - and try one perhaps where they blend with the halo somehow, as if the halo could also be a product of the star. Just as an experiment. Great! Super work!
These are looking great. Some subtle differences. I have to go to work so will not be able to comment and look closely yet for several hours. Speak soon. :-)
Entry #26, I like the stronger glow and sharper crisper lines. I would still like to play with having the lines for the star thinner, and perhaps even a version with them somehow in the background. Or they could be pencil thin in a type of gold embossed overlay, if you get my meaning. :-) I am just interested to see if the star can be downplayed yet still have it there for its symbology. We can also revisit entry #11 and do similar things with it as we are now minus the star i.e. gold and glow. My only concern with the star - even though I love what it represents - is that its actual true meaning may be too esoteric and instead be mistaken for a religious symbol. I will be showing some people for their feedback on that but I do love it. Thanks a lot for your efforts.
Wow...they all look amazing. By gold embossed overlay I meant as if the star were made of gold thread and seemed to have depth to it. A suggestion made to me from close friends had to do with the star being three dimensional as if it encloses the earth. The six pointed star is actually a 2-D representation of a 3-D star tetrahedron, which encloses living systems such as the earth and the human body. Give me some time to look over these and rank them but play with the information I have just given you if any inspiration comes of it. Really really good. Thanks.
Thanks for giving the 3-D a go. Didn't quite turn out like I thought it might. It's getting hard to rank them all now as I am considering all the options that you have have presented and the first ranked is still being considered next to others. I am meeting with some friends this afternoon and will get their opinion for what may be a last minute frenzy on some subtle experimentation. :-) I appreciate all of your efforts so far. Thanks again.
Hello Sebastian, my name is Therese (Darren's partner). He asked me if I could re-rank the designs today as he has to work until late and he didn't get a chance to give you any feedback that came from last nights meeting.
Everyone thought your designs were awesome! :)
After much consideration, everyone agreed that the star of David might be seen by some people as religious and put some potential customers off. So with regret, it was agreed that a more simple design might be best. Everyone also loved the dynamic look of the black background, but agreed that the white will be easier to work with for website design etc...
Entry #42, now ranked #1 was the the overall favourite because of the beautiful gold sunburst and the blue green of the words Nature's Classroom. But it was the earth and leaf of entry #11, now ranked #2 that was liked the most.
Would it be possible to see another design with a sunburst behind the earth and leaf of entry #11? Also is it possible to shade the leaf darker on the inside edge (near Australia) and lighter on the outer edge where it touches the sunburst? Not sure if this will look any good, it was just an idea.
I hope that makes sense and apologies for it being me instead of Darren today.
Darren here again. Can we try the top two designs with the gold-look Australia that you presented in entry #14 and #15. Also when we arrive at the final look are you able to send the design as: 1. Whole image, 2. Symbol minus the words. 3. Words minus the symbol. as well as the font style you chose so that we can match it to any future stationary we may get done. You have been awesome. Thanks a lot.
We are liking entry #53 but would like to see the gold line back on the leaf as in entry #42 and with the original leaf shading as in entry #11. We like the fact that you can see the whole stalk of the leaf as it wraps around the earth so please don't lose that. Also, I still want to see a gold Australia. Not long to go. :-) Some interesting designs coming in though.