I decided to work on a design that was secure looking and unique while also being modern and advanced or sophisticated also pushing the online factor and enabling the logo to be placed as a compact element for strong brand awareness..
Hi - I really like how crisp the name looks - could you maybe try a different emblem that doesn't take away from the actual name as much. Can I see what it would look like without an emblem too? please. thank you.
No worries..As requested in email I've removed the boldness of the emblem and put more emphasis on the nations theme with a globe map element for the NC coin so i t could also spin animated.. Also put NATIONS in bolder type trying not to be too cash converters - which is a big cash finance and pawn shop in Australia.. My logo is unique, understated and has a secure character to it..
says there is an hour left on the contest but I can't upload anything - sorry, had a few more designs to run by you..?? Not sure why it says 1 hour to go and there is no submit button.
Ooops! no go, was only while in top five mode.. only 1st place submits in judging mode apparently. The logotournament site only just implemented a new notification system where us designers are notified via email of any public comments! I've missed a lot of near wins due to not being notified of contest holder last minute updates. Well...At least I got one through #62 and if you just print and cut off the emblem you can see the text only version as a typographic logo. it still looks pretty dam good with cash in yellow and the dot at the end symbolic of the dot com online nature. would have been good to run through a few other ones though. I have another one where the emblem is spherical like a globe. And another one where the text flows in a slight wave, like a flag. I can send all the option if chosen as the winner.. no problem. they all look pretty sharp as a modern logo.
i think #62 kind of tailor to a lot of different age groups too. it has a vintage feel with the old globe map look of the emblem. While at the same time a lot of younger generations are into the retro and can still identify well with that personality type.
Hi! Good News - they opened up the contest for me and the top 5 can submit new logos. I love your thought process and would love to see a few more that you were working on. thank you so much!
Great! ..Just posted 4 of the best ones I have (there are 20 variations but all very similar and not as refined as these latest designs) these are the easiest to read/most eye catching
Great, no problem.. good luck with choosing a design there a many to choose from! :-) just remember you can always make adjusments later on, the design is editable after the contest.