Would you be able to submit an alternate version of entry #85 for use on a white background for mailers, brochures, etc- Could you submit a white background version with "Nations" in the green background color ? Or another color within this color scheme that you think would show up well on a white background? The green color may clash with the yellow color of "cash online." Thanks.
also, can you bold or darken the color of "cash online" in entry #85 so it appears similar to the "Cash Online" in entry #106 so that the logo will appear better on a white background.
i do want to select #85 as the winner - however, for the white background - can you create another version or two .. of #135 - we don't want the logo to be all green for the white background. see www.thecashline.com for the yellowish color and green. Thanks!
First of all, thanks a lot for choosing my design as your logo. All minor changes for various colors will be uploaded after you approve my final files via Logotournament. After you approve the final files, I'll get your email address, then I'll send it directly, because the standard owned by Logotournament can only upload 1 .EPS file and 1 . JPEG file.