As you can see, three of your designs are my first three choices. I have a question about marketing materials. I am planning to use a cream color or light tan background. Will the pink show up well on that? Would a darker shade of pink or another shade of red be better?
I think the pink will show up nicely on a cream background. I will print a sample of that pink on a cream paper and see how it looks. Also, I will show you logos with it darker and with a red version. I will upload the revised version tonight.
I printed the pink logo onto a cream paper stock earlier today. I really liked it and also liked the way the brown looked as well. I just uploaded the ones with the color change. #72 and #74 are with a darker pink. #73 is with a darkish red and #75 and #76 are with a softer, lighter red. (strawberry remains the same) If you choose one of my logos as the winner, we can always adjust the color until we get it to a shade you are happy with.
One final question before I finalize the winner. Can the word "Chocolate" in entry #3 be curved as it is in # 57, but keeping the same font used in #3?
Thanks so much for choosing my logo design. I have uploaded the selected winner to the LT website. I have emailed the one with "Chocolate" curved to you. Please let me know if you need any changes or other formats.