Nando ItalianoLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Nando Italiano
Nando Italiano has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 37 designs
from 12 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
My brand does quick Italian Food. Delicious succulent Italian food prepared under 5 minutes. Our target adudience is any individual from the age of 17 to 100. we would like to be more oriented though towards Millenials and especially Generation Z
Color Preferences
Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The logo should represent a cartoonish individual kind or similar to a Popeye character, but a happy one. And he’s running to delivery food and so there are swish of air behind him. I want this character to be popular towards kids.
I uploaded a pick for an inspiration. Maybe without the beard.
I uploaded a pick for an inspiration. Maybe without the beard.