Thanks for letting us see the design with a capital "N." I think we still like the lower case "n" as in #68.
Would it be possible to see #68 in some different colors? I know it's helpful for us to guide you in color selection, but quite honestly, we're not set on any particular color combinations. We very much like the shades of green and gray in #68; however, it's been pointed out to us that the green is reminiscent of an "eco company." While that is fine, it doesn't really identify what we do. Do you have some ideas of other combinations that might be attractive?
Our goal is not to necessarily catch someone's eye -- it's to have an understated, classic logo that identifies us to the people who know us. The logo will be used most often on paper-- business cards, invoices, agreements, etc. We will use this on a website, and possibly on some signage. And it will need to be "embroiderable."
No problem, I'd be glad to show you more color variations. I will submit the revisions as soon as I get back to my design computer in a few hours from now. Thanks, Don
Of course, the final upload formats are eps & jpg, any other formats can be e-mailed after the contest ends, as well as any color variations if needed. Just let me know, Thanks, Don