mysanitizer.caLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 156 designs from 21 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by rezfan Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. 1st 6 Withdrawn 2nd Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 5 Withdrawn Prefers others. 3 Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. 3 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 2 Withdrawn Prefers others. 4 Withdrawn Prefers others. 6 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 9 Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 6 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 5 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Comment Activity rezfan commented on #155 Sure, i will upload CS10, so you can open the files with Illustrator any version. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #155 OK I'm using an old version of Illustrator, so please send AI files as CS6. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #155 The standard rules for uploading final files are Ai, EPS, PDF, PNG, and SVG. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #155 OK great, thank you. In what format do you normally send final files? 4 years ago rezfan commented on #155 #156 the same size and same text treatment. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #155 Thanks, I will declare winner. Can you please apply same text treatment and logo scaling to second place logo just so I can keep for my records? I had a really hard time deciding. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #153 Withdrawn You can upload a screenshot by private message or you can tell me after select a winner :) Thanks! Ayik 4 years ago kinnin commented on #153 Withdrawn OK no the darker blue is better, thanks. I think the last thing I want to do is change the t a little bit but I don't see how to upload a screenshot to show you what I mean - is there a way to do that or only after I select a winner? 4 years ago rezfan commented on #153 Withdrawn Update #154. Thank you, 4 years ago kinnin commented on #153 Withdrawn Thanks. Can I please see the dark blue lines in the logo the same as the blue color of the text? 4 years ago rezfan commented on #153 Withdrawn Update! Thnaks. 4 years ago kinnin added markup for #152 Withdrawn 4 years ago kinnin commented on #152 Withdrawn Nice, thanks. Maybe without the three remaining highlights? 4 years ago rezfan commented on #152 Withdrawn Without the white highlights. Thanks! 4 years ago rezfan commented on #151 Withdrawn Reduces the white highlights. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #150 Withdrawn Hey I think I'm going to go with a version of this one. Can I ask you to tone down the white highlighting in the green so I can see what that looks like please? And remove the white dot at the bottom of the drop? Thanks. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #143 Withdrawn If you want to have both 143 and 144 please PM me after the contest is complete. 4 years ago kinnin commented on #150 Withdrawn Thanks, I'll get back to you. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #150 Withdrawn How about this? 4 years ago kinnin commented on #148 Withdrawn Actually I think that's a bit TOO dark now that I see it, thanks. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #143 Withdrawn Update #147 #148. Thank you, Ayik 4 years ago kinnin commented on #143 Withdrawn Hi Ayik, I'm going to be choosing 143 or 144 but I'm not sure which yet. Can you please make the text blue the same as the darkest blue in the logo? Also can you put a bit more space between the y and s? And lastly can you make the logo a bit smaller relative to the text? Please apply same changes to both submissions. Thanks. 4 years ago kinnin added markup for #143 Withdrawn 4 years ago rezfan commented on #144 Withdrawn Update #146. Thanks! 4 years ago rezfan commented on #142 Withdrawn Update #145. Thanks 4 years ago kinnin commented on #144 Withdrawn Can you please remove the white outline around the drop? 4 years ago kinnin added annotation for #142 Withdrawn can you please remove this accent? 4 years ago kinnin added markup for #142 Withdrawn 4 years ago rezfan commented on #142 Withdrawn Update #143 #144. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #142 Withdrawn Oh that's nice, thanks. Can you please apply the same font and coloring to #124 and #61? 4 years ago rezfan commented on #142 Withdrawn like this? 4 years ago kinnin commented on #124 Withdrawn That's not it. What if we just removed the shading and had solid green and blue? Using the darkest green and blue from the logo you created. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #124 Withdrawn Update #141. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #124 Withdrawn It's too much, doesn't look good. Is there something more subtle we can do? It feels naked with nothing, but that thick border is too much. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #124 Withdrawn Update with/without black outline #134 #135 Thanks! 4 years ago rezfan commented on #124 Withdrawn Ah.. sorry for this miss. 4 years ago kinnin commented on #124 Withdrawn No I'd like to try the font from #124 on #128. And just a very thin black outline. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #124 Withdrawn #133 add a black outline. Thanks! 4 years ago rezfan commented on #124 Withdrawn That font already on #126. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #124 Withdrawn Can we please try this font on 128? And for both, I think we need to add a touch of black to the text. Like maybe a fine black outline or something? Do you have any ideas? Thanks. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #65 Withdrawn Update with CronosPro font #124 #125. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #65 Withdrawn So can we try something sans serif lower case but with a touch more style? Maybe like Gothic CG or Cronos Pro? I think I prefer all lower case but maybe we can make some sort of subtle distinction between the "my" and "sanitizer" using tone or shading or something? Thanks. 4 years ago kinnin added markup for #108 Withdrawn 4 years ago rezfan commented on #70 Withdrawn Update san serif #78 #79. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #70 Withdrawn Thanks. I don't think I'm feeling the serif fonts for this logo. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #70 Withdrawn Update fonts please check #76 #77. Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #70 Withdrawn Maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle - not as boring as swiss but not as fancy as this 4 years ago kinnin commented on #70 Withdrawn Yeah I like it. But maybe it's not serious enough. Undecided, sorry. 4 years ago rezfan commented on #70 Withdrawn How about this font? 4 years ago kinnin commented on #69 Withdrawn yeah thanks 4 years ago rezfan commented on #69 Withdrawn Just like this? 4 years ago kinnin commented on #65 Withdrawn Oh weird, I actually like that font but I must have a bolder version of it. I'm undecided - part of me thinks soft and organic like a handwriting style and part of me thinks fresh and modern like something bold and italicized. Can you upload just a big round image and then I'll save that and take a look at some fonts? 4 years ago rezfan commented on #65 Withdrawn Nope... the font is Swiss721. Are you have an example ie a pic, link, or any of you have? Thanks! 4 years ago kinnin commented on #65 Withdrawn I like where we're going here but not a big fan of the font - is that franklin gothic? Not sure what exactly I want but it needs a little more feel. 4 years ago