Entry #2: Don't care for the blue background color. Entry #1: Love the design, I would like to see a different color scheme because I truly am not sure what I am looking for...the design is cool, can you put a ponytail on the volleyball player? The player looks male. Your design makes me feel happy and I like that a lot. As soon as I saw this entry it brought a big smile to my face which is important. I need my potential clients to feel good about doing business with me.
Also, it is important to share with you that I have a competitor who is associated with USA volleyball and I am not associated with them. This is the reason why I am unsure on the color scheme. I wonder if people with assume that we are the compeitition. Make sense?
I like the pony tail in entry # 11, the lines behind the foot in Entry #4. The arms in Entry #37, #35, and 35 are too hard...I like the soft lines of the player in #1 but more feminine (breasts and a ponytail like 11)
The stars in Entry #4 I definitely want to keep, and I love the blues in #4. I think I am looking for a combo of #37, #4, and 36.
Hi, I am down to 2 designs. Entry #1 and the logo I currently have ranked 2. Can you change the volleyball player into a girl? I want a long pony tail and feminine...not too many muscles. I want the varsity font with this design.
Hi Please see #57 entry (logo update of # 4) - according your last comment. I'll work to submit for you also previous logo variations, which you have asked. Thanks for appreciating my work! Regards, Ake
Is it possible for you to add a soccer player in Entry #73 as well. We are expanding into soccer. I know this is last minute but if you can add a soccer player that would be great.