Here's my first entry for your logo - the baby in the soap bubbles in the caboose. I used only simple, flat color, no gradients, so it will be easy to print on any product. Please let me know if there is anything you would like changed. I'd be happy to provide whatever revisions you might want. Thanks for looking!
hi Pam #34 can u change the baby in the design? I am not convinced about his face and hair ;) the bubbles less blue The word green need something ??? I am curious to see your design with a back round color can u add the website name? thanks so much!!!
These entries are revisions of #34. I changed the baby's face and hair, made the bubbles less blue, punched up "GREEN", and added .com to the logo. Also, on #43 and #45, I added a background.
Let me know if you'd like anything revised on any of these. I'd be glad to provide as many revisions as you might want. If you prefer your website as a separate line, I can do that as well.
Hi Pam I love the overall design! Thank you #45 #44 are my favorite I like this face better but I think is too big the head, the cheeks are too rosy, and the chin too pointed. Can you give him a softer expression for me? Thanks sooooooo much I do love it! If you find a different baby all together i will love to see different faces
Thans so much for liking my design! I'll work on the baby's face per your feedback, and reduce the the size of the head overall. And I'll provide #45 with the different colored (brown) background you suggested. I'll get these worked up and posted later this evening. Thanks in advance for your patience!
These entries all have the revised baby face - I changed the cheeks, the chin and made the expression softer, as well as making the head smaller. Let me know if it's still too large - I can reduce it more. The background on #48 is the same as #45, the follows a dark brown, a medium brown/tan and then a gradient brown.
Let me know if you want anything revised on these. As always, I will gladly make whatever changes you might want to see. I think this revised baby face is pretty cute and sweet, but if you'd like to see more options I can provide them. Just let me know.
Thanks for being a great Contest Holder - it makes our jobs as designers much easier when the Contest Holder actively partcipates in their contest. Your feedback and support is greatly appreciated!
Thank you Pam! I like the babe's head better the color I like more is #48 #51 may look too strong for babies but looks great too Do you know if #48 with the different shades can be done in a cloth label? Or does it have to be a plain background? I need it for website, and other media but it also need to be a good logo label to go on the outside of diaper.
can you change the color of the tracks and train wheels to brown? (gray is not my color) the blue in the inside of the caboose, can it be more like the sky blue? and the bubbles on the outside of the box will be lost in label if they are outside the background color. Again thanks so very much for a lovely design!
Sure I can change the color of the tracks and the wheels - no problem at all. And I'll match the color inside the caboose to the sky. and move the bubbles.
Concerning the production of your cloth label, I checked a few sites on the internet to see what is possible. If your label is a printed clothing label, then you can have the gradients (different shades in the background), but if your label will be woven, then you cannot have the different shades. Here's a link I found explaining the differences:
#52 is the revision of #48 - I moved the bubbles, changed the blue inside the caboose and changed the tracks and wheels to brown.
#53 Is the same as #52, except I eliminated all gradients/shades so that it is all flat color and can be done as a woven label if you wish to go that route. You could use #52 for the web and print, and the flat color version (#53) for your woven label.
Thanks Pam I just read your message about label. That was sweet of you! I just e mailed them to see what they need to do. I think I want them printed :) Thanks again, and again :)
Thank Pam I liked the .com darker for #52 please The leaves was not my favorite but thanks for trying to make it eco friendly. I just did not like how it looked on the babies hand (random ) also the way that the hand was position was not a natural twist for how babies body is and on the R did not look too clear as to what that was thanks
#76 - I tightened up the lettering on #75, and tweaked the highlights and edges a bit.
#77 - this is the new idea I mentioned earlier. I'm currently on a search for a different font that would work in here, although I've become quite attached to the one I've already used. :)
#77 Wow!!!!! you are amazing! I love this idea :) I like the bathtub on the tracks!!!! the diaper wooo can you make the diaper be a sail (like a sail boat?) so he is riding with the wind???? overall I adore your design!!! thank you, thank you, thank you Pam! this one cover all we are as a company.
couple of things The wheels, I love the design! beautifully done. but The train looks like is running on only two wheels and the wheels look as if they are on the wrong side of the rail (where the back wheels suppose to go ;) Can you make the colors lighter on the tracks and the green of the bathtub? maybe the lip of the tub could have the golden yellow of #76 and a little wider if it looks good. like the caboose had love that u got bamboo to hold the diaper on top. I think green and more alive will look better, maybe even a bit thicker for a healthy looking bamboo. The bubbles of the tub are not too visible and maybe some bubbles could look like overflowing the tub and coming out a bit. thank you Pam!!! sorry to drive u crazy :( You know where the tracks are narrow do to the deep? the lines make it look so strong maybe one side of rail can look more faded than the other.
So glad you really like it! I'll make the revisions this evening when I get home from work.
Funny you should mention the sail - I thought of it but thought I better keep with the 'caboose look'. I did the train tracks that way so it wouldn't be too confusing where the wheels overlapped the tracks. I may have to have the tracks narrow down to one where the wheels meet them. Kinda of like they twist up and down with the terrain. I'll play with it. I'll also do the sail, and make the other changes as well.
Here you are! I believe I covered the revisions you asked for. If I've missed something, please let me know.
~ Lighter green tub, with goldish, slightly thicker rim ~ Lighter tracks overall, with back rail even lighter ~ Added back wheels; front wheels rest on front rail and back wheels sit on back rail ~ Sail diaper instead of canopy; green bamboo ~ Enhanced tub bubbles so they show up better (may have to darken sky a bit for even more contrast)
I've shown 2 options: Baby forward of the sail at the front of the tub, and baby at the back of tub.
Let me know if you need any revisions on these. Thanks so much!
Pam #83 is beautiful! you are so talented! I think this can represent all that we are in a fun and loving way. I see it playful like a child's imagination, green as earth and nature, sweet as a babies dreams, clean as soap it self, well... just GREAT!!!
On #83 the bubble under the sail could be smaller and maybe 2-3 bubblel the bubble over his head looks too big there and lonely.
the wheels are standing out too much maybe they are too dark I dont know (what do you think?) but is not a big deal
For the baby's eyes can you add a small sparkle so they don't look like a solid blue?
Thank you!!!!!! have a great day tomorrow!!! This are little changes that you can do Thursday if you want. you have being working so hard. Please rest. all is GREAT!
I made the requested revisions for #83. Sparkle on the eyes, moved and added bubbles, changed the color of the wheels. On #90 I lightened the brown wheels several shades, and on #91 I made the wheels green.
Feel free to ask if you wish to see other color options. :)
love the changes!!! #91 is great. my son he is 3 and he said it is a train that can co in the pool. LOL One last request so I can finally give you your winner medal for the most patience, reliable, hard worker, dedicated and overall amazing. Please can you make the color of the tracks one color not the different shades that I had asked before. and at the end of the track the side of the sail, please finish it even ( so it does not curl up at the farther part of the track)? I know that is how it should look but my eyes go to that as a line that went to far :) I will try to hang out awake to choose the winner. I cant wait to give you that tittle. Thank you so very much I love it!!!!
Gosh Thanks! I hope you didn't stay up too late waiting for me to upload the last revisions. It was 12:46am my time when I submitted #90 & #91. I logged off and went to bed right after that.
I'm on my lunch break right now. I brought my flash drive with your logo on it so I'll try and make these last revisions here at work before I have to get back to my job work.
I eliminated the bubbles on the baby's arm, and I modified the tracks, shortening the longer upswept left end. Please let me know if I interpreted this correctly; by making them even I assumed you meant how far to the left they extended. I've given you 2 color options for the tracks: #92 has the tracks the medium brown of #91's front rail & #93 has the tracks as the lighter brown of the back rail.