MVP GraphicsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / MVP Graphics MVP Graphics has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 65 designs from 16 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client ImageSource United States What We Do We design and produce custom sports posters and canvas wraps. Industry Sport Color Preferences Open to most colors except pastels. Themes MasculineColorfulLuxuryModernRefinedAdventure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st PonetzGraphics Withdrawn 2nd Logoz 3rd DALHAZZ Withdrawn 4th Plamen Withdrawn 5th Kanava Withdrawn 6th Kanava Withdrawn 7th WYN Withdrawn 8th mikochiong14 Withdrawn 9th BerylBeam 10th night24 New DALHAZZ Withdrawn New BerylBeam Withdrawn New Logoz Withdrawn New night24 Withdrawn New kotakaca Withdrawn New Logoz Withdrawn New BerylBeam New sahlan Withdrawn New night24 New sahlan Withdrawn New BerylBeam Withdrawn New Logoz Withdrawn New Logoz Withdrawn New kotakaca Withdrawn New kotakaca Withdrawn New kotakaca Withdrawn New kotakaca Withdrawn New kotakaca New colors Withdrawn New kotakaca New logoku Withdrawn New PonetzGraphics Withdrawn New wes-wos New logoku New KeysoftMedia Withdrawn New kotakaca Withdrawn New wes-wos Withdrawn New night24 Withdrawn New night24 Withdrawn New candela Withdrawn New candela Withdrawn New kotakaca Prefers others. DALHAZZ Prefers others. colors Prefers others. colors Prefers others. colors Prefers others. colors Prefers others. colors Prefers others. sahlan Withdrawn Prefers others. PonetzGraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. PonetzGraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. PonetzGraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. PonetzGraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. mikochiong14 Withdrawn Prefers others. Logoz Withdrawn Prefers others. Logoz Withdrawn Prefers others. Logoz Withdrawn Prefers others. Plamen Withdrawn Prefers others. candela Withdrawn Prefers others. kotakaca 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion ImageSource Client Thanks for the designers who've submitted entries! I'm thinking I want the logo to look more sporty (not with balls and equipment though). An option may be doing a crest type logo. I attached a couple of crest logos that I like to give you an idea. I want the MVP very prominent and the Graphics could be below inside a banner. Make sense? 13 years ago ImageSource Client Lots of great entries! Thank you everyone for your hard work. To me, it seems like a lot of the shield logos look like they would be more fitting for a security company. I'm looking for something more sporty that's similar to a lot of soccer type crest logos. Please keep the entries coming and thanks again for your time! 13 years ago