Great logo designs, like #117 and #114 more than the other two and would like to see the words "A MSR Consulting Cents company" below the logo if possible for #117. Thanks.
Thank you very much for sharing with me your thoughts. Would you like to change anything else? If another idea just pop-up in your mined - share it! I'll make it real!
#121 looks good but still prefer #118 actually due to the balancing act it instills on an observer. However, it is strange that no one tried to design a logo that symbolizes growth and nurture since we are helping micro, small and medium enterprises to grow. Like a germinating seed with a stalk growing out of it for example (please do not let my comments limit your creativity). Could be due to time constraint.
Wow Magnita, thank you for the very responsive effort! I really like #130 to #132, though the growing effect on the logo could be removed as you probably got the growth idea already by your unique and definitely futuristic tree shape. Definitely an excellent logo upgrade. But I think #126 might have hit the spot really close besides changing the color play to green. Thank you so much for your efforts again.
I think you probably hit the spot with #159, the interesting composition was really the extra step that made me think this logo might be the "one". Definitely a great job and effort from your part. Thank you also for your prompt feedback and response to my designing requests.
I'm very happy, that by your help by sharing suggestions and thoughts I managed to create the "one" :). This is one of the contests that it's a real pleasure to work for. Please, do not hesitate to share new ideas if you have. I will make them real.
Thanks Magnita for the extra efforts but I still like #159 so far. #170 to #173 might be overdone with the little sprinkles of colors I think...with the last word "cost" looking like an "o" for #172 and #173. But really appreciate the extra effort despite holding the top spot.
Thank you for your feedback, Rzar! I really appreciate sharing your thoughts with me. Holding the top spot doesn't mean that I have to stop working. I'm thinking if it is possible to uprate my work so far, that's why I keep moving. And If you do have any new suggestions, ideas - please, share!
Hi Magnita, very good working spirit with the constant self-improving attitude. I like the new #196 and #195 but maybe getting a little too close to being too complicated as a logo. But definitely appreciate the new angles always.
Ok..I have a really really strange comment from a friend of my who is somewhat from an art background and his comment was that for #159, the tree trunk sprouting from the "o" from "consulting" looks like well..a sperm there a way to amend this small impression? A simple amendment should be fine, do not need different color versions.
Thank you for your feedback, and sharing your thoughts. I can fix the strange look of the "o" :) You will be notified as soon as I fix it. Keep sharing!
#212 I think is head-on with the focus on "cents" which we are trying to impress an affordability image with the tree trunk now having a more solidified state which should erase the "weird" imagery that I referred earlier on. Really great work. Thank you so so much!