I do like the puzzle piece, can you connect two pieces together? Also, can you use some of the font treatment similar to the #1 ranked logo? I like the font usage there with the little i. Thanks for listening!
Hey there - thank you for your ranking and feedback. Here is a variation with two puzzle pieces. Please let me know if you would like to see any other variations or how I can improve this for you.
How about if we try puzzle pieces that are connected on a diagonal angle? can you make the pieces look somewhat like two people joining in harmony? I'm not in love with the font used. If you look at the entry I have ranked number 1, I'd like to borrow some of that look with a similar font, if possible. I almost want to combine the two. Give me a version without the slogan. I'm not sure if we want to use it. Can you give me some edge to the graphic and letter to make it more 3 dimensional?
Hey there - thank you for the feedback. I will take a look at the first-ranked about the font, though I will not be able to give you an exac duplicate as it is against the rules. I would be happy to work on the puzzle pieces for you and give them and the font a more three-dimensional look. But I'm a little confused as to your request that the pieces be "connected on a diagonal angle". Will you explain a little further?
Hey there - I have treated each entry, #75 and #77, so that each element is more 3-dimensional. One is more subtle than the other. If you like this direction and would still like to see some variations on the "diagonal" that you described earlier, please let me know.