Masmett, we have decided that you are our winning designer. The above design is our favorite, so far.
We have decided to NOT have "Mas Que Tres Amigos" on the logo.
We have decided to NOT have a bowling reference.
The font is good. Don't change it.
Black background is good, but we will need to be have a white background one just like it once we are all said and done for printing on letterheads, etc. I hope that is okay.
We would like to see some testing of shading of the lettering. The arch gives us the feeling of a planetary horizon and we wanted you to play with that a bit.
Also, can you make a few with minor color changes. One of your designs (321) had a interesting color of bluish-green. Personally, I like the above color, but one of the amigos wants to have a look.
Also, can we add a bit of emphasis to the slogan with our losing the overall feel?
Great design!
Try making the tail of the Q cut into the interior so it reads less like an 'o'.
Make motto more prominent?
You avoided a bowling reference, thank you. We got a lot of heavy-handed ones. Having said that, can you try making the swoosh into the tail of three little bowling ball holes as a subtle bowling reference? Might not work, but we'd like to have a look.
Also, note that the slogan should be, "the best investment is a good partner".
Comment Activity
thanks =)
We have decided to NOT have "Mas Que Tres Amigos" on the logo.
We have decided to NOT have a bowling reference.
The font is good. Don't change it.
Black background is good, but we will need to be have a white background one just like it once we are all said and done for printing on letterheads, etc. I hope that is okay.
We would like to see some testing of shading of the lettering. The arch gives us the feeling of a planetary horizon and we wanted you to play with that a bit.
Also, can you make a few with minor color changes. One of your designs (321) had a interesting color of bluish-green. Personally, I like the above color, but one of the amigos wants to have a look.
Also, can we add a bit of emphasis to the slogan with our losing the overall feel?
Bill Dingus (amigo)
thanks =)
please check, thanks =)
Try making the tail of the Q cut into the interior so it reads less like an 'o'.
Make motto more prominent?
You avoided a bowling reference, thank you. We got a lot of heavy-handed ones. Having said that, can you try making the swoosh into the tail of three little bowling ball holes as a subtle bowling reference? Might not work, but we'd like to have a look.
Also, note that the slogan should be, "the best investment is a good partner".
The four of us will be meeting tomorrow morning to perform an initial ranking.
Thank you for participating,