Hey, great to meet you and thanks for your interest in this contest. I love your designs - they are all crisp, clear and the colors and fonts are great. The only thing that's not grabbing me at the moment are the "icons" - in design #2 it looks too masculine and reminds me a little of a barbell with weights. Entry #5 and #6, again the icons aren't quite right but are certainly on the right path.
Wow! You're a really talented designer - thanks for being part of this! I really love where you are headed with these designs - they are more feminine which is fantastic. I really love the colors you are using and can't decide whether I like the green or blue - they both look great, do you think one color would work better than another? With design #20, is it possible to see what it would look like with the 'x' in Moxie the same color as the green?
Thanks so much for your time with the tournament - I'm sure that your design in the one I want. Just a quick question - I would like the design in the green #31, blue #33 and would also like one with pink. Once I've awarded the design to you, would it be possible for us to negotiate this?
You're such a talented designer and I've been so lucky to have you part of this tournament, so thank you very much. I'm keen to end this competition as soon as possible, so if you could let me know what you think about the above that would be sensational. Warmly, Meg.