Hi, Mbk, please find uploaded stacked solutions, I ran into the issue of the antenna getting too close to the "v" in movie, so I've supplied 2 versions with slight tweaks.
Hi Mbk, unfortunately there's been an issue with your ranking 1 logo. Designer "Djie" has created a "logo court" case against me suggesting I stole his concept? (see https://logotournament.com/logocourt/closed) he's since decided to drop the case on the proviso I remove the logo from the competition. This means logo #96#95 and #54 can't be used in the competition. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused this is my first logo at Logo Tournament and I'm still learning the ropes and technicalities behind it all.
Should you wish to discuss this issue further I can be contacted at keith@pixelad.com.au