Entry #183 looks promising. I suggest you tweak the picture a bit and change the font so that the logo looks more corporate-like and serious. This one looks too playful for a consulting firm logo. All the best.
Combine the MOSAICASIA together but to differentiate them use a different color on ASIA and or bold the word so that people can read them as MOSAIC ASIA. And remember to try out fonts which give a 'corporate' feel. Skinny fonts maybe?
#192 looks OK, but the fonts are still not 'there' yet. I think you should look at other corporate logos to come up with a look and feel of a corporate logo in terms of fonts and typefaces.
I like #197 and #192 but I still think the fonts are not there yet. Try out fonts used by other designers making the ranks. One other thing, I think it's better if you size down the picture and size up the fonts so that the picture just covered a little bit more than the ASIA part of MOSAICASIAGROUP.