previous mosaic represented asia contonent (v.simple of course). now I send layout with mosaic represents rising sun on the horizont. logo works well on the dark background. thank you.
For #83 I would like to see the picture to be smaller. That one looks too imposing. A clearer mosaic of the object (whether it's a sun, or whatever) would be advisable versus a mosaic of not easily identified objects.
I agree that the horizon arc gives it a 'corporate-like' look. However, I think you need to simplify the mosaic a bit because it could be interpreted as a mosaic of bomb exploding (not an imagination we'd like to entice in our audience minds). Simplification could be achieved by cutting down on the colors usage, etc. Tx.
For #125 I would really like to see it with a dark background (blue maybe?) and a real red color for the word ASIA. Another thing is the mosaic picture might be better to be sized down a bit although the horizon arc is already in a perfect size. Tx.