Hello again Mr. Chirsj, yes the 2colors of "M" on #41 was mean to show the double M, will try another double M version i will try with other color options also
IMPORTANT: Hey check out this logo. Work on your symbol concept more, as we may go for the line between the symbol and have MORGANS MEDIA GROUP in a simple font like the link below
Another idea: make 'm' symbol and the 'm' in 'morgans' like the 'g' in #444 - so it has a bit of yellow on th left hand side of the 'm' (the part that is on the 'n')
Hello Mr. Chris J, the update: #566 sorry for late response, i was out for weekend:) Well, the space out version will gave more modern feel and clean, but the closer version will gave more mature and classic feel...in my opinion:)