Thank you the 2 variants differs in the middle circle 35 have the regular centered emblem while the 36 is sligthly offset making the circle boundary looks an arch but it is fully centered as well to keep the design more stylized. Hopes this helps :) let me know if you have any suggestions thanks again for your rankings.
Hi. I love your design and am trying to get some more buy-in from our team. We've had several people say that the "road" looks a bit like a stream and we're trying to emphasize that this is a road. Can you make an adjustment--maybe it's lines in the road or some other way to show that it's a road. I appreciate you toning down the hills. We are trying to avoid the "mountain" looks in the designs which it appears everyone has adopted for some reason. Totally unnecessary. Finally, I've asked our web designer to get me color codes for our designs. I'm waiting for those and will also ask that you plug in the colors into your design if that's OK. We may not go with them, but want to see how they work. Finally, we want to make sure that the font you use isn't a proprietary font as we'll be changing our web site graphics to match if all goes well. Thanks again for your beautiful design!
Thank you for the detailed feedback & re-rank much appreciated. I'll tweak up the suggested changes for the main entry for your review will then update the colors if you have the suggested color values. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for making the changes. I've finally found the color values. Would love to see how the design works with these existing colors. We may opt to change to another color scheme, but would love to see these filled in. I think the lane lines look terrific. I'm going to share the updated rankings with our team and push for your design, but we have several others to convince. Thanks again. Here are the values: Blue: #0271b3, Orange: #ed812f
Hi! Had a meeting with our committee tonight and we love your design. We had two small changes that we would like to make to the design we currently have ranked number one. I believe it's design number 53. We would like to remove the gradient of the two circles. The first circle is the one OUTSIDE of the text between the fine blue perimeter and the text background. The second is between the text background and the graphic. Those should both be white. We are fairly certain we will retain the gradient in the road which we like because it adds depth. We also want to make sure that you will be able to provide us with a black and white version of the logos since about 90% of what we print on t-shirts is black and white. We would love to see how and black and white image would look as well, so if you can share a b&w image with us we'd appreciate it. Once we see the white circles, we'll make a final decision. Thanks so much for your WONDERFUL design.
Love them. Sharing now and we'll get back to you! What's the primary difference between the two black and white versions? Looks like the last one is just a bit lighter, right?
As you can see, we've chosen your design to represent our Club! Congratulations! Thank you for being so flexible and turning things around for us so quickly. At this point, I don't think we need to make any design changes. I'm not sure how you send files, but we'd love for you to err on the side of giving us MORE rather than less. We'll, of course, need images in black and white as well as color. Please send in all of the associated formats: EPS, PDF, AI, JPG, TIFF, SVG, and PNG. I'm not on the technical side, but I was told to ask for these. Thank you again, so much. We'd also like to get your mailing address so we can send you a shirt with the new logo on it when they are printed this fall. Please let us know your size as well. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for choosing the final logo! you will have to approve the logotournament files that is: (.jpeg & .eps) only. As my compliments will send you the requested formats in your stated email (AGREEMENT OF LOGO DESIGN TRANSFER OF RIGHTS). Preparing the files now for your download in a few minutes thanks again!