What We Do
Modern, state of the art, Assisted Living facility focusing on professional, personal, loving care to residents and local community.
Color Preferences
Would like the colors to reflect a sense of caring, loving compassion to those who may be of ill health and at the end of their life. These colors may include red (love), green (healing), yellow (joy), white (purity).
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Monroe Manor Assisted Living facility has traditionally used a large red heart and a lily flower as it's logo and signage. We would like to keep the "heart design logo" (see logo attachment) as it describes our brand personality but would like it to look more "professional" and have someone provide a logo template so we can use this logo for print ads, brochures, website, banners, flags, etc. The heart and lily logo (see attachment) has also been put inside an outlined shape of a house - to create a "heart inside the home" logo. This could also be part of the design idea. We are open to all ideas! When thinking of designing this logo, please think of having to put your own mother or father into an assisted living. What logo would communicate comfort, trust, professionalism, and loving care to influence your decision or create loyalty? Please feel free to email or post any questions or comments. Thank you for your help with this project!