#16 - I really like the concept... a few of the features that caught my eye is that
- it is unique,
- would be easily identified as associated with a brand upon first eye contact,
- I like the use of vivid colors incorporating the use of directional light on a 3D image
- The logo reminds me of the Hydrogen atom (sun fuel) with 1 electron and 1 proton transitioning to a helium atom - maybe you could play with this concept
I think you were getting at the use of a "Monolith" as the back ground. I like the concept, the monolith itself though could use some massaging - maybe a "High gloss black" - maybe a "mirrored background off of the stone (just thinking out loud here - I am not an artist or designer so I could be going off in a completely wrong direction)
Overall though excellent first effort.