OK, that didn't work, but we're getting close! Here's some ideas from the team:
1. Make the land part of the globe stand out a bit more (darker/borders/etc). 2. Put the globe/stars closer to where they are in #66. 3. Add some shine to the ball. 4. Can the globe be rotated slightly so we can see some of the east coast of the US?
1. The shading on the land is now a little too light so it looks like it kind of fades out. Can we try something else to make the land stand out more? 2. In #66 and #106 the stars and globe are higher up, can you apply that to #110? 3. The shine is too much, let's remove that or make it more subtle, we just want it to look a little more like gold the metal vs. just the color gold. 4. On the rotation, could we cheat a little on the realism and get more of the Americas without pushing Europe any further west?
OK, liking #135. One last thing (I hope!). The stripes at the bottom. Some of the team likes them, some don't, they think combined with the bottom of the badge it looks like the cow catcher on a locomotive. Could you try a couple alternatives? One suggestion was perhaps integrating the lines from a pitch, if possible.