1. Change the color to Navy (color in #26) AND a 2nd version that is gold and navy (color combo in #40) 2. I really like the circle, but the design inside is too complex. Remove some of the elements and leave just the Fleur de lis portion of the design
1. Change to navy and gold 2. Make design more simple and "flat" (like #35 and #26) 3. Remove the "v" 4. Change the font type to the same font in #35 for the company name 5. Change the font for the "M" in the background. Try 1 version more clean and 1 version more cursive
1. Change the font type for "Monarch Ventures" to the same font as Entry #35 2. Put a circle around the graphic 3. I'd like to see a 2nd version of this logo with INVERTED COLORS (like #35 - graphic white, background navy): (A) reduce the heights of the points on the crown (B) Put it in a circle (like #35)