Entry #9 is superb. Very fun and and the color is nice. Could you please put orange color somewhere or any other color that might create a great color combo and also make the text more attractive? In addition, could you put the logo picture on entry#10 to entry #9? I am looking forward for your improvisation. Thanks!!
Great work ! could you please put the logo on entry#16 to entry #17? and I noticed that your logo on no#9 is bigger than no 16 and 17. Could you please put the logo of entry #16 to entry #17 and make the pic logo as big as entry #9. Also, try to make the color more solid (not as light). In addition, could you also please try to put some stuff in the words of momodeal like entry #13? please give me a couple combination. Thanks in advance !!
Entry #24 is very nice. But, the color of the purple on word "momo" is too dark. could you please make the color of momo more like entry #25. also, please make a glassy shadow too like the Reflection picture that i attached. Maybe, make the whole thing more glossy and sparkling too. Thanks in advance. Great work !!
Thanks for your entries !! I like it all. but, apparently my partner don't like the text design on entries# 29. The color contrast is good though. Could you please come up with a new text design? and maybe use the logo picture of entry #17. Try to use no reflection this time any maybe change the pink color to orange too. In addition, please slip in the .com .sg thing in the logo. Please see my new attachment for reference. Thanks for your hard work !
Entry #38 is very nice. could you change the O so that it does not look like the O in outlet logo? any maybe try not to use the purple color so it looks different from outlet? thank you and great job
Thanks for the fast entry. Could you remove the coupon logo on the O and change it with something else, or maybe just don't put it in the O? I should have mentioned it earlier.
Thanks for the fast entry. I realized that red is a little to strong. Could you please come up with any other color combo maybe? I want the color to be as solid as purple, or red but don't use purple though (very dark purple is fine just fyi). also, please put more improvisation to the text maybe? anything that you think might look good. I want to see what options i have. Thank you for your great works.
Entry #80 is good, but the rings in the O are kinda weird. could you please think of something else and improvise the logo to make it even better looking? Thanks!
For entry 104, I realized the sparkling on the logo disappeared and the .com.sg is thicker. could you please make it like entry 103, just add shadow? thanks !
Thanks for all your entries. We decide to take entry #108. Congratulations. Please provide the below picture format in addition to the standard format. White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, and Solid Colors. Additional formats can include AI and PNG. (1) Color (PNG for web), (1) Black and white (JPG), (1) Solid color (JPG), (1) High Resolution color (JPG).