Momentum Training SolutionsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Momentum Training Solutions
Momentum Training Solutions has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 168 designs
from 18 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
"We'll Get You There" (this is the ongoing slogan for Momentum companies)
What We Do
Momentum Training Solutions is designed to provide multi-family and student-housing communities access to an inclusive Personal Trainer in their on-site fitness facility creating healthier and happier lives.
Color Preferences
(Momentum Orange) Pantone Coated: 166C / RGB: 227, 82, 5
(Momentum Blue) Pantone Coated: 295C / RGB: 0, 40, 85
Main two colors. For shading or likewise, renditions of these colors are acceptable depending on design.
(Momentum Blue) Pantone Coated: 295C / RGB: 0, 40, 85
Main two colors. For shading or likewise, renditions of these colors are acceptable depending on design.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We have a running theme throughout our company logos. We would like to maintain the same feel, colors and uniqueness, while standing out above the rest. We hope to have our current logos used as base points for referencing.