I still really like number one but there has been a slight development. Today due to some events too lengthy to describe we've decided to change the name of the business. I know it's kind of crazy this far along on the tournament, but it really shouldn't effect it too much. The new name is Mojo Physio. I just figured you could just change the Pain Center to Physio. Please let me know if that's a problem.
Also can I see a new version in some blue grey combos?
Yeah thanks for being so fast to reply. I'm really liking the blue/grey allot more than orange. I can't decide if I like 67 or 68 better. I really like them both. If you look at my website www.painmechanics.com I have a little image of spread arms over my logo. Do you think you can incorporate that image or something similar into the Y in PhYsio. Do you know what I mean? I'd just like to see if I would like that.
ok buddy you're not going to believe this but my name has changed again. there really is a logical answer to why but the fact remains that I've had to change it. this is the LAST time... it's now: Myo Specialists - still the same tag line. You are the only designer I'm messaging about the change. My favorite one is still #72 so if you can keep with that same look somehow that would be great.
I'm not sure how to proceed since I had to pick the Mojo Physio logo. will you be able to post another design now? Can you send it to my email? npitherapy@cox.net
Hey Edwin, how do I get the file for the original "winning" logo? The Mojo Physio one. I am going to use the winning one for now so you can forget the Myo Specialists.