#3 - Very classy design, well done! I am wondering if it would be possible to integrate a bit of the orangeish color in the flame design inside the circle? Overall we like this logo very much. Thank you for your entry.
#25 - We like this entry the best of your new 4 entries. We feel the mostly black typeface will age better than the colored typeface, although the colored typeface is very trendy at the moment and looks fantastic next to the logo. We are constantly reviewing the entries, as our opinions vary at different times of the day.
#24,25,26,27 - The small circle with the "Inc." inside is bothering us just a little bit. It is somehow just a bit distracting to see two circles next to each other. Is there any other way you can work the "Inc." or the entire word "Incorporated" in a different way?
#36,37 - We appreciate your efforts on the lettering and attempts to bring the wave concept into the circle, however, we both still like the icon without the wave and I feel the lettering balance is better on 24 and 25. Specifically, I like the way the word "Solar" rests perfectly balanced underneath the "Modicum". I know you already tried to rework the "Inc" into 36 and 37, but I would appreciate it if you could try again on the lettering.
#25 - We like the balance of the text on #25 better than #44. Could you try just removing the smaller circle around the "Inc" on #25, and just have it as the small black text for our comparison? Thank you.
We have extended the contest by 7 days. We did this not because we didn't like any entries, but because we like too many entries! We are having a very difficult time choosing between the top 5 designs.
We have requested feedback from friends, and hopefully their input will help us decide.
#135 and #136 Thank you for making the change of removing the comma. This is a great logo, classy striking and balanced. We greatly appreciate your efforts
#136 - We are in the final stages of picking our logo. We printed out all the logos, and we prefer your logo in black and white when it has the uncolorized background inside the circle.
We are inviting the top 5 designers to submit black and white (and grayscale) versions of their designs to see which will look the best when printed out in black and white or over a fax.
It was a difficult decision, as any of the top 5 entrants had designs we would have loved to have as our logo. Your design was by far the most striking of the top 5, and we both love it!
We would like to request the following images and changes...
#27, 26, 24, 47, 89, 88 - Fix "Inc." to match above.
These variations will give us a complete kit to use in our advertising portfolio.
Thank you so very much again for your hard work and excellence on this project. We are amazed by the talent we have seen on this site. If we need further logos, you can expect to see us back at Logotournament!