Here is a couple of other designs. Anything catch your eye.. would love some comments to get these closer to what your looking for. Thanks and good luck, Pat
I'm really liking your #66, but can you eliminate the web design in the background. Also, can you try and incorporate a (old) stove or even new one if its funky (I can tell you have art in your veins). Let's do up the truck a bit. That's what's missing here.
Love the Road Stoves with the stove dial in the name. If you can make those few tweeks, I would probably say you WIN!!!!! 20 hours left let's make this happen!!!! Great Job
Too funny... Spider web was to be a stove grate... Tried to incorporate a cooking surface to tie in with the knob... But obviously I didn't do a very good job... All good lol... But thanks a lot for the comments, I re-submitted two different designs for you to take a look at. need anything else just let me know. Thanks, again, Pat
Too funny... Spider web was to be a stove grate... Tried to incorporate a cooking surface to tie in with the knob... But obviously I didn't do a very good job... All good lol... But thanks a lot for the comments, I re-submitted two different designs for you to take a look at. need anything else just let me know. Thanks, again, Pat
Hey Josh, Thanks for the earlier comments, and seeing now whats on the first row, I now understand your comments regarding the truck. So Here is my latest attempt, any additional comments or concerns would be great! Thanks and as always... Good Luck, Pat