We really like your design #230. We were wondering if we could see it in a fatter font similar to #120, and also if the font size could be larger in proportion to the graphic. Thank you!
Hi, I really surprised! Thanks soo much for ranking and your feedback! I've uploaded the variations you wanted. Hope you love them. If you want more revision, just let me know!
Thank you for making that change. Your design is still a top contender. But, we must move some other logos into the top 5 positions for the moment so that we can ask them to submit modifications, too (only the top 5 designers can submit modifications). Once the contest ends tomorrow morning, we will be re-ranking based on the final submissions. Thanks again!
Looking good. Is it possible to make a version where the "i" is more like #256? In other words, we want the "dot" on the "i" to be above the height of the "m" and "n". Thanks!
If you complete the contest when I am ranked #2 please get me unranked. I really tired of being second. :( I need to win this contest. So I can make all of the changes you want. Please post me feedback more. What can I do in order to win your contest? I'm waiting for your respond sir.
Hi, please do not be disappointed by the rank. They are actually not in any particular order right now. You are definitely still in the running. Our executives are looking at all 17 logos that are in the final running right now and making a final decision. Thanks again.
Thanks for your patience. We have to move your logo and one other logo in-and-out of position #1 so we can continue to ask for revisions. Can you make a version of your logo where the font is the same as that of entry #304? We like the exact look of logo #304, that font choice and no italics. Thank you.
We have chosen another design as the winner. Your idea was great and ranked second place among 300+ entries. I'm not sure what the rules are regarding the post-contest, but we would be interested in buying this design from you to use for another product, if possible. As long as this does not violate any Logo Contest rules, please email me at skartsounes@manufacturersnews.com and we can discuss details. Thank you.