ML2 TeamLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / ML2 Team

ML2 Team has selected their winning logo design.

For $475 they received 249 designs from 47 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Moon to Mars
What We Do
This is a specialized logo for our team at NASA that is doing metrology work on the mobile Launcher 2 tower.
Color Preferences
Blues, Greens, Yellows
Our Ideas & Additional Information
A play on the current NASA meatball logo and our company current logo
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A few generic notes:
1 - I am liking the strategic use of the red from the NASA logo.
2 - I have also seen a few versions where the "L" in ML2 is portrayed in such a way that it looks like the actual mobile launcher platform. Clever!
3 - In areas where designers have used the word "TEAM". I am liking the versions where they use "CPC TEAM" as well. This allows us to corporately brand at the same time without doing two logos.
4 - The logo will be embroidered so color gradients or too may colors is prohibitive. Clean lines tend to translate well.
Thanks everyone for the amazing submissions so far!
1 year ago
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