Mitchell LandscapesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mitchell Landscapes

Mitchell Landscapes has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 209 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.
























Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Very cool! - I like the script type font on the bottom - try a couple of different fonts on that just to see some other variations. also try to put a bit more green in landscapes. - thanks this is a totally different direction. I like it.
14 years ago
Also would like to see a font on the Mitchell that has verticle lines on the M in mitchell
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I like #97 the best... Thanks for the rank!
14 years ago
Yes I like #97 as well - I think primarily because there is less space between the stack of stones and the letters on each side. Can you compress the other three around the spire of stones as well? Let me know if you have any other ideas. Your entry was the primary reason for the time extension and the increase in the prize. Thanks again for your creativity. Dale

Also - if you can make the Landscapes bolder on all 4 that would be great! - thanks
14 years ago
thanks, that is very helpful .
14 years ago
any chance you can bold landscapes on #97 as well?
Thanks - Dale
14 years ago
Ok - one m ore little combo and I will leave you alone until you have something else you want to show me.
Can you put the Landscapes of # 105 with the Mitchell of #97. Thanks Dale
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I am headed our for a brief overnight trip out of town. I will be able to make further revisions when I return. If the contest has ended after I return, the designer ranked in first place can still submit revisions! You can swap rankings to give other designers opportunity to revise designs, too.

14 years ago
Thanks - have a nice trip - Dale
14 years ago
This is still very much a contender. Is there a way to make the stone stack a little less pyramidal - maybe make the top stone like the one third from the top and set it on a bit of tilt. or make the second from the top a bit fatter - just play with it and see what you can come up with. thanks,
14 years ago
I like #157 - is there a way to ground the arch just a bit so if does not look like it is floating above the text. Also play with a color pallet that does not evoke fall colors as much. Thanks Dale
14 years ago
Yikes! crunch time! thanks for those variations I think we have enough to work with I will get you know if I need a few little changes as I narrow things down - think I Like the brown toned one the most - thanks again
14 years ago
Good morning! not sure if you are around this weekend or not but thought I would get some refinements off to you. I want to get the final design to a printer on Monday if I can.

Still a little up in the air between 108 and 199 designs.

First would like to merge some elements from #196 and #199.
Take #199 as the base design.
extend the line of the grass out toward the sides across the top of Mitchell - but leave the gap in the middle
punch up the green on Mitchell a few notches to a more noticable shade of green
bring the brown pallet of the arch from #196 into #199 design - If you need to go with a 'browner' mitchell to make it work and if you need to bring a "bit" of green into the arch pallet to make it all tie together thats fine, I just prefer the slightly darker palet of browns want the grass more noticable and want more green on Landscapes.

If you want to discuss any of this before you actually do any of the changes send me an email directly to - and you can walk me through any issues with these recommendations before you do it and if it just doesn't work.

14 years ago
Just a small change here -

Take #108 - keep the darker color palet and bring the new stone spire from #156 but darken the color of teh stones like they are in #108 - just a slightly more masculine pallet thats all.

Thanks. Let me know if I need to move this into the number one slot before you can make the changes
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know if there you need additional changes :)
14 years ago
Great - thanks - can you make the landscapes greener still.not as light as the grass but between the color of the grass and the current color of landscapes - thanks
14 years ago
that was fro # 202 - the other one can be a bit greener as well
14 years ago
I know I will get a grey scale version of the final.

Is it also possible to get #202 with everything in out line form (except for Mitchell and .com) so that if i put it on an colored back ground the color will show through - might use that in a phone book add
14 years ago
Logo Designer
"Is it also possible to get #202 with everything in out line form (except for Mitchell and .com) so that if i put it on an colored back ground the color will show through - might use that in a phone book add"

I'm not quite sure what you are asking, sorry - not enough coffee?? Do you want a stroke (a line) and no fill on the arch, grass and "landscapes" ?
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #206)
14 years ago
#202 " I'm not quite sure what you are asking, sorry - not enough coffee?? Do you want a stroke (a line) and no fill on the arch, grass and "landscapes" ?"
Yea no fill in shapes in arch , no fill in "landscapes" -
- rest in grey scale - grass, mitchell and ,com
14 years ago
Nancy you are bring great about all these little adjustments - thanks so much.

#156 Just do the mitchell & landcapes & grass in this one with same colors as in #202, and I think that does it for now.

I should be able to make a final decision on Monday. - Dale
14 years ago
oops sorry, now its me with out enough coffee! regarding previous note - note applies to #201 NOT #156 - sorry about that.

to clarify - #201 just do the mitchell & landcapes & grass in this one with same colors as in #202
14 years ago
I mean as in #205! sorry - that is it. do 201 with colors from 205
14 years ago
Logo Designer
If there is no fill and the bg color shows thru, nothing will be visable ... Do you mean a white fill like this?

(This comment references Entry #207)
14 years ago
regarding #207 - that is not what I meant - sorry - its basically the grey scape of #206 - with a white background with just the out line around each letter of "landscapes" and the outlines around all the little objects that make up the arch - that way I can have three options for that design - color, greyscale. and "no fill" - might use it in a phone book add "very small" for example.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
14 years ago
#208 is great! - regarding # 209 I like the colors! - here is another small idea - what if you remove one of the stones from the stack and turn the "i" it into a lover case " i" with the top stone being the dot on the i ?
14 years ago
Hey Nancy - just so you know - the final pic WILL be one of your two that we have been working with. I was going to make some adjustments to one of the other designs (designers) but have decided to go with you.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for letting me know!
14 years ago
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