I really like #31. I was veering away from using my initials in any way as I wanted the flexibility of a name change and keeping the logo, however this logo is great both in terms of the MB Can you try it with the colour intensity of #25, and maybe play around with some grey, but also some intense green,blue,purple so it's quite bold. With some of the others I like the metallic look too.
Also wondering how it would look with the Occupational Therapy larger.
Ordmode, I'm loving what I see. Your tweaking has made it even better.
With #44 can you try even brighter colours? I like the purple to turquose shading, but brighter, sort of like the sea on a bright sunny day. And perhaps also try angling the logo up a bit so it's less on a slant. Do the Miriam Blakemore writing the same as #41. Do the Occupational Therapy the same length as #44 but with first letters only capital, and a colour to match what goes in the colouring of the logo.
Thank you. In terms of the style, I love 41, 72 and 66. Perhaps pick one of those to start with, and play with the colours. I have copied some info from my contest discussion here, as I am having difficulty communicating colour. But I think with your logo, the blue to turquoise might be best. I love intense colours. IF the columns below don't make sense, perhaps you can give me other suggestions for communicating colours.
colour name, hex (#) red green blue access blue* ........#0000FF ....0 ...0 ....255 16711680 blue 2 .......#0000EE ...0 ...0 ....238 15597568 blue 3 .......#0000CD ...0 ...0 ....205 13434880 turquoise 1 #00F5FF ..0 ...245 .255 16774400 turquoise 2 #00E5EE .0.. .229 .238 15656192 purple 1......#9B30FF .155 48 ...255 16724123 purple 2 .....#912CEE 145 44....238 15608977 purple 3 .....#7D26CD 125 38 ...205 13444733 (the above colours can be combined in some way. For stand alone colour I prefer the blue, but blending it into the purple and/or turquoise is also good.
red 1 #FF0000 255 0 0 255 red 2 #EE0000 238 0 0 238 red 3 #CD0000 205 0 0 205 The red is a stand alone colour, not to be combined with other colours, just black/grey/white.
I really like your designs, and have been mulling over them. The logo is very clever. Unfortunately some of the improvements you made I think you have removed? I'm a bit slow sometimes trying to figure out what aspects of a logo I like and what I want to tweak. It was good to see the red ones, but it helped me decide I do prefer the blues.
Can you try the following: Logo shape, position and angle of #43 Logo colour: as in #44 Font of #41 but with Occupational Therapy the same length as Miriam Blakemore and a blue to match the colour of the logo.
hi, sorry for pulling them down early as I thought the colour doesn't work so I keep those that are on the right direction.. If you need to see them I can submit again? Here is the updated design for your review..
#134 is great! I really like it. I'll mull on it a while but I'm not sure I can come up on any improvements for it.
Just so you know, I think it's really down to 2 entries that I will need to agonize over in a couple of days time, this being one of them. At this point I don't think I'll extend the competition, but it may be a possibility if I still need to do some tweaking.
THat's good. I think what I am trying to do is get more colour.
With your design, there are two components in my mind. There is the shape of the design which is clever, precise, and makes me think of the industry that I work in sometimes. It reflects the more masculine, concrete aspect of my work and wher Then there is also the colour. That represents the softer, feminine, healing aspect of my work.
I'd like to play around more with the colour if that's OK. I do really like the colours you have used so far, but would love to see some comparisons. I've had the following ideas:
- Angling it a little further so more of the colour is seen. Perhaps try this with both #150 and #152. - having more of a blending rainbow effect using the green-blue-indigo-violet section of the rainbow. Perhaps try a few different comparisons so I can see some different options.
Thanks! #202 and #203 are great. Not sure which I prefer. Can you go even brighter? What happens if you remove some of the black shading, so it's even more like rainbow colours?
Actually....would you also mind trying #152 with very bright colours, no shading, 1 colour per shape: Bright purple/pink colour, bright blue, bright turquoise. No shading which deadens the colour a little.