Thank you.
In terms of the style, I love 41, 72 and 66. Perhaps pick one of those to start with, and play with the colours. I have copied some info from my contest discussion here, as I am having difficulty communicating colour. But I think with your logo, the blue to turquoise might be best. I love intense colours.
IF the columns below don't make sense, perhaps you can give me other suggestions for communicating colours.
name, hex (#) red green blue access
blue* ........#0000FF ....0 ...0 ....255 16711680
blue 2 .......#0000EE ...0 ...0 ....238 15597568
blue 3 .......#0000CD ...0 ...0 ....205 13434880
turquoise 1 #00F5FF ..0 ...245 .255 16774400
turquoise 2 #00E5EE .0.. .229 .238 15656192
purple 1......#9B30FF .155 48 ...255 16724123
purple 2 .....#912CEE 145 44....238 15608977
purple 3 .....#7D26CD 125 38 ...205 13444733
(the above colours can be combined in some way. For stand alone colour I prefer the blue, but blending it into the purple and/or turquoise is also good.
red 1 #FF0000 255 0 0 255
red 2 #EE0000 238 0 0 238
red 3 #CD0000 205 0 0 205
The red is a stand alone colour, not to be combined with other colours, just black/grey/white.
Thank you.