Thanks Ian I love the fact that the logo represents something, and I prefer the one to the left. However, because I work in such a range of industries, I feel that an office feel to it is limiting.
Thanks Ian I like #21 best. The aspects aI like are the boldness, and the font is good, though I would prefer lower case for Miriam Blakemore (except for the M B). I'd love to see you try to add some bright colour into the logo.
Some colours I like:
colour name, hex (#) red green blue access blue* ........#0000FF ....0 ...0 ....255 16711680 blue 2 .......#0000EE ...0 ...0 ....238 15597568 blue 3 .......#0000CD ...0 ...0 ....205 13434880 turquoise 1 #00F5FF ..0 ...245 .255 16774400 turquoise 2 #00E5EE .0.. .229 .238 15656192 purple 1......#9B30FF .155 48 ...255 16724123 purple 2 .....#912CEE 145 44....238 15608977 purple 3 .....#7D26CD 125 38 ...205 13444733 (the above colours can be combined in some way. For stand alone colour I prefer the blue, but blending it into the purple and/or turquoise is also good.
red 1 #FF0000 255 0 0 255 red 2 #EE0000 238 0 0 238 red 3 #CD0000 205 0 0 205 The red is a stand alone colour, not to be combined with other colours, just black/grey/white.
Yes, I do like it. #101 and #103 both have elements that are great. I like the colours in #101.
I like the symmetry etc, but would like to add a small element of softness (although I work in heavy industry and do a lot of practical/functional things, there is also an element of healing and helping that I would like to convey). The way you have the curved line in #103 could maybe somehow work in with adding that element. I prefer not the purple background.
Another idea (that may or may not work) is to have the vertical lines black/grey (representing the buildings I work in, or books lined up) and then adding a green/blue purple addition (I'm not sure what!) that represents my helping/healing touch. Does that make sense?
Hi, I just happy accepting your frequently feedback. Here is my update to review. Next forward I may offer some new proposals to review as well. Thank you - ian
#106 is great. IT has the colours, the vertical lines (representing the industry/concrete aspect of my work). The curve gives it a little more of a softer feel. Perhaps with this (and any new designs that I can't wait to see) could have more of a softer feel to the helping/healing aspect to the logo. Maybe by making it assymetrical? Not sure.- (which is why I need your help!)
I also want to play around a little more with the font and colour of the writing, the position and size of the logo to the writing but perhaps we'll keep working on the logo at this stage. If you can give me a few variations on those to make it easier for me to see different examples, that would be great.
I prefer not the MB as in #109. if it is an integral part of the logo it is OK, but if there is a great logo without my initials in it, that would be good, as then it gives me the flexibility to change my name down the track, and keep the logo.