Mindful MeetingsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mindful Meetings

Mindful Meetings has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 294 designs from 49 different designers from around the world.
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Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
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Logo Designer
I wanted to provide a feminine but friendly and fun concept for your review in this concept - let me know if I can provide revisions for you or if you would like to see a more neutral design.

(This comment references Entry #7)
16 years ago
As a female, small business owner, I like the feminine touch. I'd be interested to see how another font would pair with it on business cards, website and marketing materials. Thanks for your submission! I really like it!

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's an edited version for you to see...

(This comment references Entry #8)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's a simple but different direction concept for your review.

(This comment references Entry #9)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Do let me know if you need revisions.
16 years ago
I really like your first ranked logo. You can delete the 'eduational' and leave conferences and events. Very clean and to the point.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go!

(This comment references Entry #15)
16 years ago
I also like this one with the starburst in the middle, but I'm not loving the font. Got anything else for me??
16 years ago
Thanks for the new logos. Very creative. I especially like the use of the '!' as an 'i' in #21. Have yu looked at the other logos? There is one that seems to have copied yours....
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I cannot worry too much about other designers, but thank you for noticing. Are there other refinements you'd like to see / overall feeling you have thus far?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know if you have any other thought or feelings on #15, #13 & #21 - not sure what changes to make at this point without more feedback, but i think they can all be fine-tuned.
16 years ago
I'd like to see 'conferences and events' added to #13, #21 and #19. I still love #15 and wouldn't change a thing on it.
16 years ago
Thanks for adding the slogan. On #84 and #85 I think they would look more balanced if the words were split between the "!s"
16 years ago
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