MinAksjonLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / MinAksjon

MinAksjon has selected their winning logo design.

For $450 they received 118 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.
















































































There are several good things about #26, However, I am not so sure about the heavy use of 3d effects/gradients. It gets a bit noisy, I think. Can you try versions with no such effects and also versions with slightly less of these effects?
Also, is it possible to make the typography work better with the symbol? Now, they seem like they come from different planets - if you know what I mean :-)
But the basic symbol really has something going for it!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi torvill

It won't represent any difficulty submitting versions with less effects, also playing around typography is a very important hint always, let me try out some new versions, thank you.

12 years ago
Hi Rick,

currently you are ranking 2, and talking to my co-workers, I think you might actually win this thing :-)
They see more potential in your design than the one that is now ranked first. I am not saying that the others might not have something up their sleeve, but this is how I view it currently.

However, there are a few things we need to see to move you up.
For the speech bubble in both #26 and #68, it is divided into two "swirls". I am wondering: could this be more of a solid bubble with the three people gathering around? Either a solid bubble OR at least blending the swirls more firmly together so that the notion of a bubble is more evident. Although, I do not want the bubble to end up like a yin-yang either ... ;-)

Also, it´s time to see where you´d like the sublogos to go. Could some kind of symbol within the bubble be suitable? Any fresh ideas? The sublogos should include the words "MinBursdag", "MinJulegave" and "BryllpsPresang" - meaning "My Birthday", "My Christmas present" and "Wedding present".

Looking forward to your input :)
12 years ago
Also: it would be nice to see versions with even less colors used. I am not sure about this, but some of the guys felt that it was a little bit too much.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Working on them guys i really appreciate your feedback, results will come up soon.

best regards
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I am working on sublogos also right now dear tornvill, fresh ideas are closer to emerge sorry keeping you waiting.

12 years ago
Thanks for posting more entries. The ribbon in #71 and #77 does not work for me. In my opinion, that ribbon form has been used up by the breast cancer campaigns. If we choose it, we will immediately be associated.
As for the sub logos, the icons for birthday, wedding, christmas are way too specific and detailed. Could you do something more subtle? Birthday could be a candle, Christmas could be a star, wedding could be two rings intertwined. I think you´re on to something, but it needs to go one more round :-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Very good :)

We are always concern about client's full satisfaction let me put the ribbon aside and focus differently with main logo, i hope color topic got better after using only 2 color combination per version , will be having new approaches soon, thanks.

12 years ago
I think this is better than the ribbon, but the symbols within the bubbles have some room for improvement:
They are too detailed and look like something from a clipart catalogue. Make it simpler and more unique, please.
Also, the smiling face is too much. Either it needs to be subtler, or we need to show nothing at all there. Or maybe something entirely different.
12 years ago
A couple of ideas:

There are three persons in the symbol. Can we make the middle person a TINY bit bigger than the others? Or the arms a little bit longer/wider? So that we get the notion of one person summoning people to stand together around a common cause.

With the bubble and the three people on top of it, could we tweak the shape of the people (and maybe also the bubble slightly if necessary), so that there will be a vague/subtle heart shape when you see the entire symbol as a unity? If so, we do not have to show anything within the bubble for the main logo, I think.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I submitted a pair of versions based on your last feedback, probably we should focus on the main logo till is completely right for you then after i can work the other 3, even if you like the heart shape inside the bubble i can play with the other elements inside it, thanks for your guide and feedback.
12 years ago
I like the shape of the bubble in #81
I like the heart symbolism of #91
Now, the big question is: can they combine? I want the bubble itself to be closer to the bubble in #81. To obtain the overall heart shape I want, I understand that the bubble also needs a hint of a heart shape, but do we need to make it THAT obvious? The two persons on each side should in my opinion form the main petal shapes of each side of the heart. So: can you make this compromise?

Also, do you have more color combos? #91 is a bit gloomy. It should be a bit more warm, light and including.
I also need better sublogo symbols as mentioned previously.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi torvill

Let me try to combine both entries based in your feedback, i think is important having 3 people instead of only 2, i want to win your contest by having you completely satisfied that's more than compromise, i been working lots of entries and i will continue as long as you give me the opportunity, i really believe in your project, the sublogos are important as much as the main logo, but i think those will be easier to obtain when the main logo is reached as our main goal, i think is pretty important all 4 logos share certain coincidences in between so they are part of a recognizable graphic system, i don't know if you agree with my thoughts.


12 years ago
Logo Designer

i see you liked last entries best, now my question would be to keep developing the other 3 sublogos do you want me to include the heart if is possible in all of them? or in any other case is not 100% mandatory using the heart for the rest, please let me know what you think or do you want me to try both ways, thanks.
12 years ago
As you can see, I have now moved you to the top :-)
However, I am new to Logotournament, and I see that there are only a few hours left. Will you promise me that we will do all the final details before we finish up? Even though it might go slightly past the contest end?

Here´s the feedback:
I like the bubble in #93. The heart-bubble in #92 is too much of a heart and not sufficiently recognizable as a bubble. If it is possible to make a compromise between the two with minor "dents" in the top and bottom of the bubble of #93 so that you rely on the people on each side to really recognize the heart shape, I would be very interested in seeing that. Not sure if it works, but if it did, it would be great.

Here are further comments on #93 as it is currently my top logo in the contest:
- Can you tilt the heart within the bubble slightly to the left so that the center lign of the heart is a continuation of the center line of the middle person on top of the bubble?
- I think that MAYBE the heart should be 10% smaller. What do you think?
- I want the text for the main logo to have the font color and gradient from logo #68.
- The colors of the symbol are much too dark and "hot". We need it to be lighter and have more life to it.

As for the sub logos, my suggestion is to use the heart icon in the bubble only for the main logo, and to exchange it for other icons in the sub logos. As mentioned earlier, I want them to be simpler than the initial ones you presented. I am sticking with a star for Christmas and intertwined rings for wedding, but I think I want to change from candles to a simple present for the Birthday.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear torvill you don't have to worry about hours left, even if the time ends ups and judging phase arrives on this part of the contest usually the valued client and the designer may continue working, this ending time only means that top 5 phase time of the contest is ending so any designer ranked on first place will have the chance to keep submitting more entries even in judging phase, so we have plenty of time till you are fully satisfied, also be sure i won't abandon this contest, i am considering your feedback for the main logo and sub logos i feel after this recent feedback we will get closer to final result, i will be around if you come up with more input, thanks again.
12 years ago
Great! Looking forward to seeing your new revisions as soon as possible.
12 years ago
#103: I would like a differently shaped star. I want to go with the traditional Star of Bethlehem shape. You can see an example here: http://blog.hmns.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/star-of-bethlehem-2.jpg

#104 is misspelled. My typo. Sorry. It should read "BryllupsPresang".

More feedback later.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks working on them
12 years ago
Concerning #107 and #108: can you make the icons within the bubble simpler? Less 3d effect and details?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes of course, thanks.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I really been trying with #92 but is not working at all, the best option is using both elements in a separated way as #93, what do you think a bout colors and less 3D look and less detail on sub logos? remember we can keep working them.
12 years ago
Hi Revotype,

you are indeed the winner. I want to adjust the sub logos a little, but how do you suggest we move on from here?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear torvill

We can keep working through LT or outside as you wish, if you are sure about the main logo as it is now you can select me as the winner because the legal agreement of logo design transfer of rights will take the official and final result with the one you choose ranked as #1, the sub logos improvement won't be part of legal transfer of rights here in LT, only the main logo will be taken as the official winner logo, so i leave the next phase as you wish, this is not the first time i have the opportunity to continue working with a client outside LT, my responsibility to you will be the same working in here or outside LT, thanks again for considering my work :)

P.S. I will be looking forward any adjustments with the sub logos still need some improvement so i can continue working on them.

best regards

12 years ago
As far as I see it, #101 and #105 are done :-)
I am a little uncertain about #110. Let me think about it over the weeekend. Maybe the gift box should be a little bit smaller?
Concerning #109, it is very close. Could I have a look at it with the rings a tiny bit smaller?

We are so close to finishing, that I suggest we finish up this before ending the judging period :-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Very good

Let me submit both #110 and #109 with those elements a bit smaller probably that's all it may take so they look better, thanks again.
12 years ago
#113 is now good :-)
Let me think a little more about #112. I will get back to you. I still have a feeling that it is a little too detailed. Maybe I am wrong. I will think about it :-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok great on #113, now let me submit a more simplified version from #112, thanks.
12 years ago
An alternative symbol you could consider for MinBursdag is three balloons. Maybe that´s a simpler shape than a birthday present?
Something like this:
or this:
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Balloons for MinBursdag got it... will submit both simplified version from gift box and 3 balloons, thanks.
12 years ago
I think #117 is great!! Balloons work much better!!
One thing only: can we move the balloons 1 or 2 pixels down - we need just a hint of more space above them.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Adjustment ready in 10 minutes or less and right coming up... thanks.
12 years ago
I am ready to enter the phase where we do the release of the files :-)
The following logos are final and done: #101, #118, #105 and #113.

What I would like as a delivery is a zip file with the following for all of the 4 logos:
- a tightly cropped, high-res PNG
- an AI file
- an EPS file

Additionally, the zip file should contain the logo file.

Does that sound ok? :-)
12 years ago
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