Mike Long with Long RealtyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mike Long with Long Realty

Mike Long with Long Realty has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 183 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.




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Very nice. I like all of them in different ways. The real estate sign within the circle is cool. I like #80 over #79. I like the font as well. I originally thought of going with all caps in my name but his could work well. I'll give some more feedback shortly as I just got a chance to take a look.

14 years ago
I like #77. I like things simple though. What I mean is less shiny. A little less detail in the colors. Also, if you can think of something else for the actual sign in the icon that would be cool. I know you were trying to incorporate an M into it but just want to see what else we can come up with.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
This one is a strong design that could work for residential and commercial uses...it also looks like an "M"

(This comment references Entry #123)
14 years ago
Hi Tilly. #123 I like the colors and the font. The only problem is I just don't do any commercial and probably never will. It does have a commercial feel to it. Very "citibank" as my wife put it. Feels more commercial than it does residential. You are along the lines I am now thinking though. I'd like something that incorporates my intials and is a real estate related theme. House...door....keys....for sale sign....keyhole....roof....window....something along those lines. Very good looking what you did but just not me.
14 years ago
My friend who works in advertising was helping me today and he really liked you #78. For me it is on track with what I like but my #1 so far just speaks to me a little more.
14 years ago
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