Mike Long with Long RealtyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mike Long with Long Realty

Mike Long with Long Realty has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 183 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.








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#14: Very nice. I really like the lower case font and the overall idea and look of the words in this. I really like the symbol as well...I think the colors work well and do like that my name and info is in black. Regarding the symbol I'm a little torn and can't quite put my finger on it. I think the house up front is great with the swoop to the back. I like the blue accent color. It might be the skyscrapers....I work primarily in the suburbs where there aren't any skyscrapers. Do you have any other ideas for the symbol? Also, what are your thoughts about the symbol being to the left of the words? Really good looking overall, just don't know if it is me?.?

Thank You!

14 years ago
#15: I do think I like the symbol to the left instead of above. Regarding the symbol. Since I work in the suburbs of Chicago and away from the city can we substitute the building in the background with trees or something? Again, I just think the tall buildings are not representative of where I work or what I buy & sell. Overall look is still very sharp and very professional.

14 years ago
#17: Thanks for putting that together. I really like the font and words in this logo. The symbol is just not me. The trees are more Pacific Northwest while we are more Midwest Chicago. If we can come up with a symbol that is more me I think we have a front runner. Thank you again for taking the time to help. I looked at your profile and you have some real talent with design. Mike.
14 years ago
#19: Hi Heru. I like the new ideas. I like how you incorporated my initials into the house. There is just something about it that I wish was different. I would really like to see another idea or two. I think the way you set it up the symbol is very personalized to me and I like that. Regarding the font I've decided to go with ALL CAPS instead of anything lower case. I think the lower case is cool but over time I would want to change it. I'm planning on keeping this logo for a long time and want something that will stand the test of time. That is why I want to keep most everything simple so that they stay "in style". Do you have any other ideas with an all caps font and a different symbol with my initials? Thank you for all of your hard work!
14 years ago
#38: Very cool. That is more of what I was looking for and thank you for putting that together. Any way to make it a little bigger so people can see the windows within the ML intials. That way they can see that the logo is real estate related. Very nice job with it.
14 years ago
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