Mike Long with Long RealtyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mike Long with Long Realty

Mike Long with Long Realty has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 183 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.








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#5: Too much like our company logo which I don't like. The double roof just doesn't flow and seems a bit unatural.

#4: I like the "Mike Long with Long Realty" maybe in a different font though and I kinda like the house. What if we moved the house to the left of the name to see how that looks?

#5: Roof is too big and again too much like company logo. Only thing I really want to take from company logo is color scheme.

#2: Better than #5 as far as font but seam feeling about double roof.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your feedback
new revision for my entry #4, hope you like

(This comment references Entry #10)
14 years ago
#10: I like. More of what I was looking for. I checked out your profile and LOVE that Home Safe Work Safe logo you created. I know I don't have the color scheme but something like that would be pretty cool. I think a little more adventurous on the house to the left is what I'm thinking. The font is good but I'm always open to more ideas. Maybe spice up the font a little...not sure. I also like your "Make yourself necessary" logo. Thanks again!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you for taking the time to view my profile,
gray and orange color combination,
if you have any sugestion.., let me know

(This comment references Entry #11)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
also blue and orange combination

(This comment references Entry #12)
14 years ago
#11 & #12: I'm sorry danez....I should have been more specific. The color scheme we can keep as blue and red. I liked the overall look...I like the logo to the left. I would not be opposed to adding grey in with the blue and red but overall was thinking of a more rounded house logo. That is what I liked about Home Safe. Let's go back to #10 and work off of that. 11 & 12 are my bad b/c I wasn't clear. Thanks again for all of your work on this.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
it's okay, sometimes things like this happen
here is another alternative

(This comment references Entry #13)
14 years ago
#13: That's good stuff. My favorite so far. Can you show with a different font so I can get another idea. I think the font is the only thing otherwise I like a lot. I kind of like the font from the other one but the logo on this one. I get that with the round image you probably want to do a round font and vice versa.
14 years ago
#13: Hi danez. So, I was thinking of a few things. I really like the symbol we have in #13. However, I like the font in #10. Can we do a font different than both but more similar to #10? Also, can you give me examples of Mike Long in blue, with Long Realty in red and another one with Mike Long in red, with Long Realty in blue? Thanks again.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
of course mike, I would try to work this weekend
14 years ago
Hi Danez. I must say I really like the symbols you come up with before the font/words. I like #26 but also like #24. They might be a tie. The font colors and all the small details can be worked out but so far your symbols (don't know what to call it) are very nice. I can picture them as a head on my blog and also see them on our real estate signs. Thanks for putting those together.

#13 & #14 are just not me. Very nice though.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Mike for keeping my design so far.
concepts behind designing a logo for entry #26,
I try to learn from the brief you have provided, that your profession, working with buyers and sellers in the suburbs.
circle symbol has a meaning in an area where you work as a liaison between buyers and sellers in the housing business, the line across the circle to give the impression of dynamic, moving at the same time providing an affirmation area where you work.

I hope you get the point for What I'm trying to explain about

14 years ago
#26: Danez. This is my favorite logo so far. The point to this logo is to personalize my business and I plan on using it everywhere. One question I had...the symbol is awesome but if it is there by itself there is nothing personal about it that makes it mine. Can you think of any way to make the house on #26 more personal or mine? That way if the symbol was there without the words people would know it was Mike Long w/ Long Realty. I'd love to see something with that house and everything else....or any other ideas you may have.

Also, I don't think I will want any blue font. So the "with Long Realty" we can do in black. Thanks!!!
14 years ago
#27: Danez, this one has really grown on me. I like the way the house opens on the right hand side and flows into the words. I like the sunset and the swoosh underneath the house. The only thing that isn't working is the house itself. It is a little too complicated and I can see it not translating well on a real estate sign or something else. Do you have any other ideas on a different house and keep the other elements. My friend looked at it and really liked the swoosh or what would represent grass/lawn. Thanks again for all of your hard work.

14 years ago
Hi Danez. I just saw your comments from this morning. Very cool. I like the ideas behind the circle and everything else. Thanks for explaining and taking the time.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
revision for entry #26, I try to use the initial "ml" in the house symbol.

(This comment references Entry #32)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Revision for entry #27, simplifying the house symbol, I hope you like it, this logo has a unity of design with your name, so in every application, names and symbols can not be separated.

(This comment references Entry #33)
14 years ago
#33: Thank you for doing that. I think the other one still works better. One of the main things I liked about #27 was the way the house opened to the text. With #33 the house and text does not flow but I know I asked for a new house.
14 years ago
#32: Thank you again. I was thinking something more subtle...as easy as taking the door away in #26 and just putting my initials in red. I liked the house so much in #26 I'd hate to see it taken out...as I'm sure you liked it a lot when you put it together for me. Thank you...I will keep #26 at the top right now and see how we can incorporate something personal into it. #27 has great potential still if we can figure out a house that works for the space. I like how the symbol and words can not be separated and work together. Although with real estate signs we have limited space from left to right and sometimes they symbol does have to go above the text.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Mike for suggestions and input.
I replace the door with the initials of your name

(This comment references Entry #42)
14 years ago
#42: Wow! That is awesome. The first time I've logged on to see a revision and it is exactly how I was picturing it. Well done. The only thing I'd like to see is a couple different options with font color. I don't think we should use any blue font because it is tougher to read. Can I see these combinations:

1. with Long Realty in all black?
2. with in Read & Long Realty in black?
3. Mike Long in black & with Long Realty in red?
4. with Long Realty in all red?

Thank you so much. You did a great job!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
you seemed to change direction, I do not understand what you want
14 years ago
Still trying to figure it out myself. I still like your #69 a lot. I have not made a decision yet. There are 3-5 that I really like and yours is one of them. I'm looking for an icon on the left hand side and text to the right. It will just come down to who has a unique idea that speaks to me. Since we last spoke there have been 60+ new designs that have come in. One thing that a few people have mentioned is the initial "M" in the house. They don't like the style. Can you make the "M" thinner or use something else. I like the curvy idea but that was comment someone made.

14 years ago
I am still also considering #26 which was the original with the door instead of the initials. I still look at it and compare to the newer ones that have come in. Thanks again for what you have done so far.

14 years ago
How would #69 or #26 look if you made the house blue and the lines in red? I'm just looking for an icon that is simple and easy to use in different formats. Any other ideas you have?

14 years ago
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