out of these I like #20, but would suggest going back to the drawing board, Doesnt have to be the earth, Im looking for Icon and a logo. I will give you feedback everytime. The other change theres up couple of times as well, dont feel discourage. I need quality as well
you can play off that black arrow as if its a mouse arrow cursor, that would be cool, maybe a redesign with a mouse cursor on miihood instead on the world
******#136(focus)********** we like this one here, can you take off the cities, keep everything else, but make us a cool earth, but keep the same earth you have on there, make the earth the one earth in the world that everyone recognizes, this earth needs to be the coolest earth in the world, give it a face that can go with our mii music page, nightlife, daylife and entertainment. This earth needs an expression(ex: smile, eyes) we need it to not be corney, but smooth and cool, I want this earth to beable to wear headphone, and take the moon and the sun dates, but not corney, not kiddish, but funny