Plug-In Vehicle SolutionsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Plug-In Vehicle Solutions Plug-In Vehicle Solutions has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 100 designs from 32 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client pluginstations United States What We Do Provides sales and maintenance for Hybrid Vehicle Plug In Stations Industry Service Industries Color Preferences Would like greens and light blues. Our Ideas & Additional Information Trendy logo Logo needs to have a electric plug somewhere is design. Themes ColorfulComplexRefined Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st zrox Withdrawn 2nd charcoal Withdrawn 3rd kooldog 4th zie Withdrawn 5th 2BCreative Withdrawn 6th d-sign Prefers others. loco Prefers others. VectorTech Graphics Prefers others. VectorTech Graphics Prefers others. awan Prefers others. lechi542 Prefers others. lechi542 Prefers others. lechi542 Prefers others. lechi542 Prefers others. lechi542 Prefers others. Stuart James Sharples Prefers others. dezinerz Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. lnx3_597 Prefers others. skyejuice Prefers others. ChecMark Withdrawn Prefers others. done Withdrawn Prefers others. balarea Withdrawn Prefers others. balarea Withdrawn Prefers others. balarea Withdrawn Prefers others. Kaami~ Withdrawn Prefers others. Kaami~ Withdrawn Prefers others. Kaami~ Withdrawn Prefers others. Kaami~ Withdrawn Prefers others. zrox Withdrawn Prefers others. done Withdrawn Prefers others. Paull Petterson Withdrawn Prefers others. Paull Petterson Withdrawn Prefers others. dotwoman Withdrawn Prefers others. dotwoman Withdrawn Prefers others. dotwoman Withdrawn Prefers others. Kanava Withdrawn Prefers others. pintoe Withdrawn Prefers others. pintoe Withdrawn Prefers others. Kanava Withdrawn Prefers others. Kanava Withdrawn Prefers others. Kanava Withdrawn Prefers others. Kanava Withdrawn Prefers others. Kanava Withdrawn Prefers others. Paull Petterson Withdrawn Prefers others. Paull Petterson Withdrawn Prefers others. dotwoman Withdrawn Prefers others. dotwoman Withdrawn Prefers others. dotwoman Withdrawn Prefers others. Paull Petterson Withdrawn Prefers others. Paull Petterson Withdrawn Prefers others. charcoal Withdrawn Prefers others. charcoal Withdrawn Prefers others. charcoal Withdrawn Prefers others. Paull Petterson Withdrawn Prefers others. charcoal Withdrawn Prefers others. charcoal Withdrawn Prefers others. charcoal Withdrawn Prefers others. charcoal Withdrawn Prefers others. lechi542 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion pluginstations Client We have decided to pull the Midwest name of the logo, and just keep it Plug-In Vehicle Solutions. Anyone who already submitted designs, sorry for the last minute change. 15 years ago bluejet Logo Designer congrats to the rox! 15 years ago VectorTech Graphics Logo Designer Good job ZROX! 15 years ago